2011.03.13 There is NO planet X Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM There are various alarming reports of a rogue planet about to strike the earth in claimed fulfillment of prophecy
There is NO planet X
James Robertson
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I met with a very committed and anointed believer yesterday who very energetically told me about a rogue planet called "Planet X" or "Nibiru" or "Wormwood" that is "just the same as described in Revelation" that is going to hit the earth on 21 December 2012 and allegedly bring about the fulfillment of various events in Revelation.
This planet is allegedly 5 times larger than the Earth but the Chinese are apparently going to deflect it with a nuclear device that will contaminate the earth's water "as in Revelation ".
I did not debate or argue because I did not have any facts to support a debate, I just ask questions seeking information -- remember the principle of "Seek truth NOT error ".
Thinking about the conversation as I drove home I concluded it did not make sense.
I have been learning quite a bit about astronomy and space objects in preparing my video "Turning History on its Head -- Proof of a Global Flood " which I hope to release shortly and postulate an impact or near miss by an ice comet as the means whereby the water was provided for the flood described by Genesis so I have some basis to hold an opinion.
Following are a few thoughts:
1. Human beings do not have any device nearly powerful enough to deflect such a huge object with such massive inertia -- if we did Earth would be bouncing all over the place as a consequence of test explosions.
2. The impact or near impact of such a large object would totally destroy the planet, NOT what is predicted in Revelation.
3. By now we would be able to see it heading right for us.
This morning I went to Google to see what I could find, I had looked about six months ago and all I could find were allegations of a secretive misinformation agency that sought to discredit credible religious people by fabricating weird stories dressed up as fulfillment of bible prophecy -- based on my findings regarding the World Trade Center a few years ago this is quite possible.
Attached to this email you will find three articles off the Internet which in my opinion give solid practical reasons why there cannot be a massive planet that is about to hit the earth.
One of these articles also makes the point that "Planet X" is a generally used term amongst astronomers for any newly discovered planet that is applied only until a name is agreed for that planet and therefore there have been various "Planet X's" over the years.
I am adequately satisfied there is NOT going to be a massive planet impact on earth next year and I urge caution in reporting any such stories, the forces of darkness are looking for all possible ways to discredit believers and as far as I can see this is one such case -- the person who shared the scare information with me is a credible and respected believer in international ministry whose credibility will be seriously compromised when nothing happens next year.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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