2011.09.05 Do NOT concern yourself with conspiracy theories Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Many believers get side-tracked and into serious sin with regard to conspiracy theories
Do NOT concern yourself with conspiracy theories
James Robertson
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With the anniversary of the controlled demolition of the World Trade Centre towers and other related events upon us and faced with reports of feared follow-up attacks it is very easy to get sucked into all the different conspiracy theories that abound.
Yesterday I received a link to a video relating to allegations that the bomb blasts in London some years ago were also contrived in order to generate negative attitudes towards the Muslim people and keep Britain in the war in Iraq.
Yes, it is so that those aircraft could NOT have cause the buildings of the World Trade Center to collapse (refer detailed article and reference material on this) AND it is so that there are innumerable other conspiracy theories that abound.
Others suggest that the Roman Catholic Church is an agent of Satan and name the Pope as the anti-christ completely missing the point that the word anti-christ refers to anti-anointing and NOT a person and that the sins and errors of the Roman Catholic Church are not that different to those of all the other Christian denominations which use the pagan names, observe the pagan holy days, worship Jesus, etc.
Others suggest that rulers of this world are actually reptilian in form and not human and "shape-shift" to human form fuelled by gorging themselves on human blood. Yet they lose sight of the reality that ONLY sons of Adam have authority on the earth and that all human beings on earth descended from Noah about 4,500 years ago.
In considering all of this I refer you to the article "Seek Truth NOT Error" that was published last year. Yah does NOT want us dwelling on sin, error, lies, conspiracies, etc.
Yah has clearly instructed us to SUBMIT to those in authority over us as His agents, as the rulers we have been given in recognition of the fitness of our people for those rules – if we do NOT like the rulers we have been given we are to pray for them and NOT engage in rumour mongering, tale-bearing, criticism, etc and then seek to bring about constructive change within our society IF that is something we feel impressed by Yah to do. Alternatively go somewhere where you can agree with the rulers.
The same applies to issues with church leaders and other religious leaders.
Either get constructively involved or remain silent and concentrate on what Yah has called you to do which is to prepare ourselves and others for the Day of Judgment and to serve Yah in the intervening period.
The ONLY exception to the above in our OWN LIVES is that we scrupulously observe Yah's commandments as set out to the Israelites by Yah on the Mountain in the wilderness of Sinai:
Worship Yah only, do NOT worship Yahooshua
No idols, do NOT worship the bible
Do not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain
Observe Yah's Sabbaths and do not observe other Sabbaths
Honour your father and your mother
No murder, no abortion
No adultery, virginity is set-apart in the sight of Yah as is the covenant that results from the giving and receiving of virginity
No stealing, includes false representations
No lying, includes having pure doctrine and avoiding the mass of false doctrines that exist
No lusting or coveting
We are called to observe these commandments in our OWN lives and to teach others these commandments without fear or favour and to take any punishment that comes our way for obeying Yah trusting Him to deliver us as he did with the men in the book of Daniel.
Yah does not want us speaking against the leaders of our nations or engaging in tale-bearing, critical speaking, etc. In particular He does not want us engaging in speculative and fanciful conspiracy theories.
Yah wants us to either get constructively and actively involved or to limit our writings and our actions to things which advance His kingdom and do NOT bring us into rebellion.
Yah DOES require us to observe His ten laws / commandments in our own lives and to teach others to observe them.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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