2000.10.1 Part 6: A Study on the Ministry of Deliverance: Marriage Teachings Created by on 11/2/2014 7:21:09 AM A series of teachings with regard to the ministry deliverance by a highly anointed and gifted servant in that field, recordings made in the late 1990's
Part 6: A Study on the Ministry of Deliverance: Marriage Teachings
James Robertson
A series of teachings with regard to the ministry deliverance by a highly anointed and gifted servant in that field, recordings made in the late 1990's
This is an important set of teachings as there is NOT that much published material available
Important Note -- Teachings from other Ministries
All of the material in this section is from the third party mentioned above from whom I received significant ministry
These messages are included without the knowledge of the person who gave the teachings but are included at the express request of the Almighty
Inclusion of these teachings does NOT constitute any form of endorsement of my ministry by this person, NOR does it constitute any form of endorsement of this ministry beyond the teachings presented here, it is simply a reflection of the fact that Father considered the messages necessary for those seeking to reach their full potential in their service of Him
Please note the teachings regarding the True Names elsewhere on this website
Part 6: 11 Introduction to 42 Rebellion
06 11 Introduction-- Can Christians Have Demons?
Introduction to the series on Judgment in This Life and Poverty
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06 21 Inheritance (Tape 1)
Detailed teaching on Judgment in this Life, what it is, how it happens and how to respond to it
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06 22 Inheritance (Tape 2)
Commentary on developments in the Church at that time and commenting on how believers should respond to those developments
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06 31 Occult involvement (Tape 1)
Further discussion of Judgment in this Life referring particularly to the Almighty's desire for people to turn back to Him and put away their sin and false beliefs
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06 32 Occult involvement (Tape 2)
Discussion of false signs and wonders that are taking place in the earth
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06 41 Rebellion, Witchcraft and Spirit of Jezebel (Tape 1)
There will be NO rapture, the judgment and the tribulation are FOR believers, prepare accordingly
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06 42 Rebellion, Witchcraft and Spirit of Jezebel (Tape 2)
There will be NO rapture, the judgment and the tribulation are FOR believers, prepare accordingly
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Part 6: 51 Sexual Sin to 82 Authority of Believers
06 51 Sexual Sin (Tape 1)
Those who give become yoked spiritually to those to whom they give finances, they therefore have the responsibilities of stewards with regard to their finances and what is done with those finances
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06 52 Sexual Sin (Tape 2)
Poverty amongst believers is a sign of sin, error and resulting judgment, this teaching examines this
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06 61 Rejection, Healing of Bruises and Wounds (Tape 1)
Poverty amongst believers is a sign of sin, error and resulting judgment, this teaching examines this
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06 62 Rejection, Healing of Bruises and Wounds (Tape 2)
Poverty amongst believers is a sign of sin, error and resulting judgment, this teaching examines this
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06 71 Fear, Pride, Mind Control and Other Strong Men (Tape 1)
Poverty amongst believers is a sign of sin, error and resulting judgment, this teaching examines this
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06 72 Fear, Pride, Mind Control and Other Strong Men (Tape 2)
Prayers to be prayed in the context of spiritual warfare, warfare against the Satanic realm through prayer in preparation for coming judgment
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06 81 The Authority of the believer and His Weapons-- Spiritual Warfare (Tape 1)
Words are important, the world operates through words, the importance of prophetic words and a discussion of the true meaning of the Mark of the Beast
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06 82 The Authority of the believer and His Weapons-- Spiritual Warfare (Tape 2)
Words are important, the world operates through words, the importance of prophetic words and a discussion of the true meaning of the Mark of the Beast
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