2012.08.03 Believers who beg -- witchcraft Created by James on 2/1/2014 10:34:02 AM A number of people have asked for money in recent weeks, several of them persistently and insistently, two using charismatic witchcraft to try and manipulate the writer.
This article addresses life by faith and makes it clear that this ministry will NOT help people who beg but only those who Yah indicates should be helped -- something that happens infrequently because funding others is NOT the purpose of this ministry.
Believers who beg -- witchcraft
James Robertson
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In recent weeks I have received emails from two people on the list asking for money and a third has sent me a number of text messages to my mobile phone.
Two have explicitly asked for money, one has sent verses about “Yah loves a cheerful giver” and “as you sow so shall you reap” or words to that effect.
One asked me to pray about it and quoted “you have not because you ask not” when I advised them that I would only give IF Yah told me to give to them and that if they were trusting Yah they should NOT tell me about it.
What the two people who used the indirect approach do not seem to understand is that they are entering into what is known as “charismatic witchcraft”, the use of manipulative words and prayers and spiritual techniques to get other human beings to submit to their will – witchcraft is fundamentally the use of spiritual techniques to manipulate and control others.
These people will be judged severely if they do not repent and cease doing this.
Note that it is common practice in churches and other religious institutions to use this form of witchcraft and begging to get money – any church that has somebody give a message about giving and then sends out baskets, buckets, whatever into the congregation is engaging in this form of witchcraft. Any ministry that sends out emails asking for money or even has a message motivating people to give on their website is guilty of this sin.
If you are a true believer Yah is your source and you should NOT ask any human being for money except if you engage in a commercial enterprise and offer valuable products or services at market related rates and raise income that way.
Fact is that believers today EXPECT to be manipulated to give and virtually no-one today gives unless someone explicitly tells them to give.
In 2001 Yah told me to go into full-time ministry and NOT to tell anyone I needed money or ask anyone for money, I obeyed and in the years that followed we sold virtually everything we owned and survived on that and some limited income my wife earned from her business. Eventually we were on the point of losing our house, I had lost my car and we had nothing left to sell and had major tax debts that I am still paying off. At that point Father permitted me to ask my family for help but even then only with regard to some money that was in a trust for extreme need. Since then I have returned to my professional endeavours and done all I can to market and sell my services ethically and deliver high value for money and earn enough to keep a roof over my head, put food on the table, provide a second hand car and a reasonable computer.
I live by faith and rely on harmony with the woman in my life to mobilize finances. Because of the events of the last decade as I have struggled to learn and apply difficult truths this has been an extremely difficult walk and there have been many times when there has been almost no money for food or petrol but we have ALWAYS survived by the grace of Yah and His provision. I have kept this to myself and I have NEVER asked for donations or handouts – I only mention it today because this steady stream of begging letters is getting out of hand.
I live by faith, I do NOT beg, I have it that Yah expects that of ALL who truly desire to serve Him – He provides for me and He is able to provide for all others who truly serve Him through the sweat of their brows and their own enterprise.
In all these years only a handful of people have heard Yah clearly enough to make donations to my ministry, the rest apparently assume that because I do not ask I do not need – and I do NOT need, Yah is my source, please do NOT misunderstand my point here!
Yah has clearly told me that it is NOT my responsibility to provide for others, it is written that “the worker is worthy of his wages” – it is my responsibility to work to provide funds so that I can spend time on the ministry work that Yah has called me to do NOT so I can support people who are being at some level spiritually fed through my ministry and who actually have a scriptural responsibility to give to my ministry – I say again, I am NOT asking for money – I AM asking that people on this list sort out their lives and stop sending me manipulative begging letters.
Rest assured, IF Yah tells me to help you financially, I will, Yah willing, do that – there are several people on the list who I have helped financially over the years because Yah has told me to help them, THAT is a DIFFERENT matter.
Bottom line, if you are in need, go and look in the mirror and see the person who is responsible, get on your knees, fast and pray, get out there and find work, no matter how menial, do what you legally have to do in compliance with Yah’s commandments to earn an income for it is also written “if a man will not work then let him not eat”.
If you are a man and your wife is in strife with you, work it out, sort out all the stuff in your life that makes it difficult for her to be in harmony with you, lay down your life for her, cherish her, treat her well, etc and if after a few years she persists in being in strife then see if Yah will grant you a divorce.
If you are a woman joined to a man and you are in strife with him or judgment of him or whatever that is bringing discord and there is no money then get in front of the mirror speak to the person responsible for the lack and bring yourself into submission to and alignment with your man and if he is beating you and treating you really badly and you do ALL that Yah requires of you then, if after a few years he has not changed then see if Yah will grant you a divorce.
If you are a single woman then Yah is your husband and your source, get as close to Him as you can and work on your faith for finances. Do NOT under any circumstances join yourself to a man who is NOT closer than you are to Yah so you will probably remain single. IF Yah brings a man to you who IS closer than you then you have a MASSIVE responsibility to align yourself with that man in EVERYTHING.
If you are a single man and you believe Yah has called you to singleness then why are you complaining about your lack? Get out there and find work and recognize that single menservants of Yah generally live in lack -- Yahoochanan lived in the wilderness and ate locusts and wild honey so why are you complaining?
If you are a single man NOT called to singleness then ask Yah to find you a woman who will enter into a covenant with you according to Yah’s commandments -- that is probably NOT a woman who is a strong believer because most of them are strong willed and not willing to submit – recognize there are seven times more women than men serving Yah and that all those serving Yah have their quirks and their idiosyncrasies and have been badly beaten up by the forces of darkness over the years so be careful about who you join yourself to.
If you have unresolved one-flesh bonds with others outside your covenant union, why are you surprised? Unless you are a man and Yah has told you to retain a one-flesh bond in order to cover a woman who is no longer with you. Ask Yah for mercy and grace and to cut those one flesh bonds that He does not sanction.
And then work hard, and pray hard and clean up your life hard – these are the last days, the next thousand years are going to be HELL ON EARTH for those who believe because the forces of darkness know that IF they can defeat Yah on earth such that there is not a single sanctified believer walking in compliance with the Ten Commandments come the end of the age then Yahooshua will NOT return and Satan will rule on earth for eternity.
And … please do NOT ask me for money – if Yah tells me to give to you I believe I will but if you send me begging letters and use witchcraft and manipulation I can guarantee you will NOT get anything from me.
There have been a spate of begging emails and text messages which is getting out of hand, this article addresses the issue of charismatic witchcraft and believers who beg and makes it clear that the writer will NOT give unless Yah clearly instructs him to.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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