2012.08.02 Hovah a ruin or disaster Created by James on 2/2/2014 11:15:09 AM An email was received with regard to the name of Yah which went on to point out that the word "hovah" in Hebrew means ruin or disaster and ask whether it was an error to call Yah "Jehovah" -- this article responds to this point and addresses various other points as well.
Hovah a ruin or disaster
James Robertson
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In response to the article “The Name of Yah in Scripture” I received the following email – key point in the email is the point that the word hovah in Hebrew means ruin or disaster and that therefore the name Jehovah applied to Yah is saying that Yah is a disaster refer http://concordances.org/hebrew/1943.htm
This is important and it is my recommendation that one should now strenuously avoid Jehovah as a name for the Almighty.
The email is as follows:
“Greetings from Arizona, USA.
“Dear Dr. Robertson, I just need to say thank you. I just read the name of Yah in scriptures. What brought me here is the studies of inconsistencies within the KJV, and in particular the inconsistent use of the original Hebrew words within the concordances. Specifically the use of "Yeh vs. Yah", the mix of taking New Hebrew vowel points and adding them to the divine word of Yahweh is my suspicion. It is obvious that there is a conspiracy within people of high places to blot out the true name of the father.
“Personally, I have never had any type of formal biblical education. However, a dream came upon me suddenly that was very vivid a few years back and within that dream Yahshua took me out of an over sized classroom in a formal biblical university and was going to personally teach me the truth, the corrected and the deeper word of Yah and without the infiltration of mankind mixed into the word.
“Since then the passion has been off the charts. Spending in most cases every waking hour in study. As a Christian, reading the bible and study in my early years, never quite grasping this deeper knowledge until that day I fell to my knees and Yah for the first time knew I meant it. Now to know he teaches from the breath written into his very name as the breath of life reaches to the very bottom of my bossom and to the inner workings of my heart.
“Now knowing the name of Yah and Yahshua in its correct form since that day. This is the first thing he taught me. However, the depth of it, I did not quite understand and am still learning. I studied many of the associations of "Yah" but never have I seen the full list like you have published nor have I seen a better explanation as you present it here. It appears that now I know who you are, that you are indeed a child of Yah and a brother of mine. I will study your website intently.
“Can I get your opinion on something. It is regarding the name replacement of Yahweh to that of Jehovah / Yehovah. We all know where the "J" comes from. We know the Jesuitical involvements. What are your thoughts about exactly where the "Yeh" originated from. It is not biblical, nor can I find roots to it, and do you think there is an association with "hovah" and the meaning behind it.
"Yah is a ruin"
“Original Word: Strongs 1943 הֹוָה
“hovah: a ruin, disaster
“Your thoughts...is this purposely placed as Yeh, or Yah or God is a ruin or disaster?
My answer to this email is as follows:
Hi D…
Thank you for your feedback
You will find much on the website to challenge you and, as they say “rattle you cage”!
Yah has taught me much in the last two decades and much of it is highly controversial and not known or accepted by those who have come out of conventional belief, as I have and as I see you have
To me the answer is to pray regularly “Father, I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly and I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”
I have been praying those two prayers for about fourteen years and coupled with one season of eight three day fasts at ten day intervals and 12 years later seven three day total fasts at seven day intervals (water and small piece of bread and grape juice only) I have been privileged to be shown and taught much
Regarding the “Yeh”, I have no information other than that I have an extremely high level of certainty that the true essential name of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is “Yah” or more expansively “Yah the eternally self-existing” {Yahooeh / Yahweh} that Yeh or Jeh or Jehova is at some level in error
Your point about hovah meaning ruin or disaster is important
It is Satan’s goal to diminish and ridicule Yah in every possible way and, more importantly, to lead well-meaning persons into unintended sin for sin is sin even when you do NOT know that it is sin – there is a legal principle which can be expressed as “ignorance of the law is no excuse” and this applies equally to the commandments of Yah – so using a name that is blasphemous even though we do not know it is still sin
I have never used Jehovah or any other form of hovah and would advise against it because it simply is NOT Yah’s name but your information gives this word a more sinister significance
This is another dimension of “Yah” sounds for yes in the formal language of some countries and the colloquial use in many others
Here, in South Africa where I live, the word “ja” in the Afrikaans language means “yes” in the same way that “jah” or “jahwohl” means yes in German
The consequence is that many, perhaps most, South Africans say “ja” for yes not understanding that they are taking the name of Yah in vain when they do so and that they will be judged as a consequence
I continue to fight an ongoing battle to discipline myself to use words other than “ja” for yes
Important to understand that the transliteration of the Hebrew generally translated “the LORD” is actually Yahooeh rather than Yahweh and that Yahoo.com is therefore a blasphemous name and that use of this email service, search engine, groups, etc should be strenuously avoided – I try and avoid corresponding with people whose email address contains Yahoo
One of the principles I apply in seeking to discern the truth is to ask the question “if this is true who benefits – Yah or Satan and if it is false who benefits – Yah or Satan?” and “if I believe this and I am wrong will I end up in the lake of Fire on the Day of Judgment?”
For example, regarding the bible being the Word of God the test is actually simple – the second commandment is “have no idols”, if I hold the bible to be “the word of God” I am making an idol of it and will burn, if I believe the bible to be just a book I do not sin – inherently therefore it is unwise to worship the book – there is NO sin associated with NOT worshipping the book
The same test holds true for Yahooshua – if Yahooshua IS not Yah and I worship him then I will burn because there is a clear commandment which says “worship Yah alone” and Yahooshua’s name is Yahooshua which means “Yah is salvation” and accordingly since he has a different name and since his name acknowledges Yah then Yahooshua is clearly NOT Yah – we can go through all the convoluted arguments about Christ and Trinity but the harsh bottom line is that IF you are in error you will burn, whereas there is NO verse that commands us to worship Yahooshua and accordingly there is no sin associated with not worshipping Yahooshua therefore, by extension it is wise NOT to worship Yahooshua
Regarding “It is obvious that there is a conspiracy within people of high places to blot out the true name of the father.” – I caution against such statements
Firstly we are told “judge not”
Secondly who are these people?
Thirdly why is it necessary for there to be a conspiracy of people?
The simple reality is that Satan is the mighty one {god} of this world, he rules on earth assisted by somewhat less than one third of the messengers {angels} and billions of demons – error generally does NOT come from men who conspire to spread error it comes from demons that inspire men to error – yes there are men and women who have sworn allegiance to Satan and they have influence in certain situations but Yah says that there are only of the order of 5,000 highly anointed (illuminated) men and women serving Satan with any impact just as there are only about 5,000 highly anointed men and women serving Yah with any impact – the rest of the world’s population are so luke warm and insipid and steeped in error and lack of motivation that they are simply extras in the cast of the battle that is being fought on earth today
YOU are one of the 5,000, the question is do YOU realize just how important your calling is, do YOU realize that you should NOT be following other men but be leading other men?
Do YOU realize that you should be immersing yourself in what Yah has provided through me and others and that YOU should be sharing that information with others just as every other person who has been in contact with me will be judged according to what they do with the information that Yah has made available through me?
Are you held prisoner by the Satanic claptrap you have been taught by the church? -- or are you breaking free by praying power prayers and fasting as touched on above – see other articles on the website for more in-depth information on this
I will add you to the mailing list, currently the website is a couple of months behind the mailing list as a consequence of some technical issues I have not had time to resolve
I look forward to keeping in touch!
Warm regards and blessings,
It seems probable that Jehovah is a blasphemous name and should be avoided.
Some simple tests are given regarding discerning error and it is suggested that people on this list should recognize their calling and responsibility to share the information that Yah makes available to them.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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