2011.09.09 The name "Jesus" is NOT divinely approved Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Arguments that the name Jesus is divinely approved are NOT of Yah
The name "Jesus" is NOT divinely approved
James Robertson
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In previous articles I have referred to an article sent to me that asserts that the name "Jesus" is divinely approved because it is used in the King James English bible translation which is allegedly divinely inspired and therefore it is alleged since the bible is allegedly divinely inspired the name "Jesus" has divine blessing and authority.
As I have shown in the articles before this, no work by a committee relating to the things of Yah can be viewed as definitive and inspired, if Yah inspires something He works through His spokesmen and women (the prophets) NOT through committee.
I want to confirm that Yah has clearly and repeatedly stated to me over more than ten years that the name "Jesus" does NOT have his blessing or approval and He wants us to STOP using it.
That the only reason He has historically answered prayers in that name is because of His great mercy and grace BUT that this grace has now been withdrawn and prayers in the name of Jesus or to Jesus will be answered by demonic powers in future and NOT by Yah.
Furthermore, Yah has made it clear that if you claim to love Yah and love Yahooshua you will cease using the name "Jesus" as an act of love and not resort to the sort of twisted reasoning I encountered in the article that has led me to write this piece.
The name "Jesus" is hated by Yah and Yahooshua, do NOT use them under any circumstance, unless to provide a fleeting reference to use to draw others to the truth.
If you love Yah, STOP using the name Jesus!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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