2011.07.04 Who are the REAL sinners? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Frequently Christians oppose judgments on fellow Christians because of their unrighteous judgments on others in the world
Who are the REAL sinners?
James Robertson
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In the past week I have received an impassioned plea to pray for the life of a Christian in jail in a Muslim country and sentenced to death for preaching about Jesus and also an email warning people about a book that is viewed as very dangerous.
The challenge is that in both cases the pleas for action come from an erroneous base.
The man facing a death sentence
It is almost certain that the man in prison is at some level worshipping Jesus and teaching others to do the same and at some level is teaching that the bible is the inerrant Word of God and therefore worshipping the book.
Yet the self-same book (the bible) states that anyone who worships any being other than Yah the eternally self-existing should be put to death and that any person who engages in idolatry (which includes worshipping the bible) should be put to death. Thus the death sentence for the Christian missionary is entirely "scriptural" only he should be stoned and not hanged. The Quran merely confirms what is written in the book (the bible) i.e. do not worship Yahooshua and do not worship the book.
Thus the Court of Heaven will NOT grant petitions for the life of this man because the sentence is just in the Court of Heaven.
The harsh reality is that in the new dispensation ushered in at the start of the seventh millennium a few years ago, worship of God, the LORD or Jesus is worship of a Satanic force, working on the true Sabbath, Saturday is giving honour to Satan, regarding the bible as anything other than a book written by human beings is also sin and all these sins carry a death penalty, either in this life or the life to come.
What the man in Jail needs is a revelation of the true identity of Yahooshua as a human being and prophet, cease venerating the bible, start using the right names, start observing the true Sabbath and deal with other core errors and then there will be no way he can be put to death for it is written that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without Father Yah's consent and Yah will not grant a death penalty on earth except for someone who has broken one or more of the ten commandments.
The book – "Conversations with God"
Regarding the book referred to above, it is titled "Conversations with God" since God is NOT Father Yah's name it is futile to complain that the book is not about Yah, its name indicates that it is not about Yah, even if people think that God is a valid name for Yah.
God is a satanic deity and there are few people left on earth today who are still receiving Grace from Yah to receive answers to prayer from Yah in the name of God, all others are serving Satan in ignorance because they have been deceived by demons. For all the rest their prayers to God are being answered by the Satanic power called God.
In this case, if the person who wrote the email was using the true name of the Creator they would not be troubled by books about God and they would not be sinning by defending God. It is vital to cease using the false names, even if you have been using them all your life.
It is vital for all who claim to have a relationship with Father Yah and who claim to venerate His Name to use the true names, cease worshipping Yahooshua and the book, observe the true Sabbath, etc.
If you are not earnestly seeking to change your language and your belief set I urge you to do this now as a matter of highest priority. Also cease corresponding with Yahoo.com addresses or using the Yahoo.com portal in any way.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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