2011.04.25 If Yah is moving hold your peace Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Be careful what you say about what Yah is doing in your life
If Yah is moving hold your peace
James Robertson
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Hopefully from the articles preceding this you are now more conscious of what is taking place in the spirit realm all around you.
Simplistically the demons on you and those you communicate with are listening for any information that would be useful to the forces of darkness.
They summarize this information and pass it on to the Satanic messengers {angels} who are monitoring you and the people around you. These messengers then relay this information and communicate it up the chain of command to a messenger who has the necessary rank and powers to do something with it.
Because all of these messengers are created beings like you and I they have limitations in terms of the amount of information they can receive, record, digest, act on, relay or discard -- so different information will get passed up to different levels in much the same way as a human chain of command.
In many cases information will simply be filed away for future reference. Someone I met last year had a vision in which they saw Satanic messengers in spiritual offices with spiritual books and spiritual filing cabinets filing away information.
If the information points to action then appropriate action is decided on and communicated back down the chain of command with varying degrees of urgency and prioritization until it is acted on.
What is the significance of this?
Well, firstly, if Yah is doing something in your life at a Spirit to spirit level then the forces of darkness will not know about it until YOU say something.
By way of example, in 1996 Yah told me to get divorced and told me He would give me custody of my children, I proceeded to tell my unbelieving Lawyer this after she had cautioned me that I would not get custody and within two hours somebody telephoned my ex-wife to tell her not to give me custody.
Yah showed me that a Satanic messenger heard what I said, relayed the message up the chain of command to a Satanic messenger who gave an order to intervene and prevent the will of Yah being done and they in turn sent a messenger to get someone to make the phone call to prevent what Yah was doing from happening.
I have seen other instances like this and they are, in fact, commonplace – Yah says something to a believer, they talk about it in an unsanctified atmosphere, the forces of darkness get wind of it and the next moment Yah's carefully laid plans are sabotaged.
It is vital that we keep what Yah is doing to ourselves unless He expressly tells us to declare it.
We should cover all such things with the blood of the covenant, pray protection, set ourselves apart {sanctify ourselves}, etc.
Father, I ask that you will blow away by your Spirit all in this document that is NOT according to your will and your ways, please blow away all lies and deception and leave only that which is from you, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.
I strongly recommend that you are careful about what you say about what Yah is doing in your life
Give Him the glory AFTER it has happened
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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