2011.04.17 Meditate on how Yahooshua died Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Have you ever REALLY considered what Yahooshua went through on the stake?
Meditate on how Yahooshua died
James Robertson
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Having just eaten my Passover meal of roast lamb and reviewed how Yahooshua died I thought I would encourage you to do the same
If you have not done so when you ate the covenant bread and drank the covenant wine (or grape juice) I encourage you to do it
Remember that he fully knew how he was going to die and he went in obedience
Remember how he prayed in the garden that blood flowed
Remember his decision "Father, not my will but thine be done"
Remember how he was betrayed by a close friend and confidante
Remember how he was deserted by those closest to him
Remember how he was falsely accused, reviled, beaten, his beard plucked from his face
Remember how the crown of thorns was rammed onto his head, the sharp spines driving in to impact his skull, blood running down his face
Remember how he was mocked
Remember how he was flogged, some say with a nine line "cat-o-nine-tails" with metal hooks that ripped the flesh from his back
Remember how he was rejected and condemned by the Chief Priests and the people
Remember how he had to carry that heavy stake across his raw and bleeding back
Remember how those rough steel spikes were driven through his wrists and feet
Remember how he suffered for hours, heaving up on his feet, pain ripping through him as he gasped for breath
Then sinking down again and hanging on his wrists as pain ripped through him and he slowly suffocated before thrusting up on his feet again
Remember how the presence of his beloved Daddy Yah DEPARTED from him and how he cried out in anguish, "my beloved Mighty One, my beloved Mighty One, WHY have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46 -- "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?")
Remember how he died, some say of a ruptured heart broken as a consequence of his great grief and anguish
Remember the earthquake as he died and the veil of the Temple torn from top to bottom revealing that the Ark of the Covenant was not there and the priesthood was illegitimate
Remember how his side was pierced with a spear and blood and water ran out down the earthquake crack and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant that had been hidden below nearly six hundred years earlier
Then ask yourself whether, in the light of his suffering, you want to continue in sin, continue to carry the Mark of the Beast and hide behind "not a legalist" and other excuses or whether you are going to follow in his footsteps and set yourself apart and put Daddy Yah first and deal with your sin through the covenant that Yahooshua purchased with his blood
If you are reading this at work on the Day of Passover I encourage you now to get on your knees, repent and then go home, Yahooshua did NOT die for you to treat the above sacrifice in such a disrespectful and cavalier fashion
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
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