2011.03.05 The church put Yahooshua to death Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM There is a lack of understanding today of exactly who and how Yahooshua was put to death
The church put Yahooshua to death
James Robertson
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I was engaged in debate by email a few days ago by a Christian who was taking issue with me about what is published on my website and telling me that she knew a person with a PhD in Theology and also her pastor who disagreed with me.
It struck me then that the problem that is faced today is the same problem as at the time of Yahooshua, the problem of the majority think they are right whereas Yahooshua was quite clear, the gate is narrow and few there are who enter therein -- i.e. the minority are the ones who understand the things of Yah NOT the majority.
It then struck me that it was the "Church" -- the formal religious establishment -- the majority of the believing people -- who condemned Yahooshua and had him put to death and it is probably so that if Yahooshua were to return today that same majority would reject him as a heretic, much as was done 2,000 years ago.
The question we all have to ask ourselves is whether we are aligned with Yah or with Satan.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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