2011.07.03 Most demons are decent, polite and friendly -- Many even go to church regularly Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM The criteria typically applied to assess demonic behaviour are off the mark
Most demons are decent, polite and friendly
Many even go to church regularly
James Robertson
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I continue to become increasingly aware that if Yahooshua were to return today nearly the entire population of the earth would spend eternity in the Lake of Fire
I have also become very aware that most of these people are nice, friendly, decent, polite, "GOOD" people, many even go to church regularly.
There is a major mistaken belief that only "bad" people go to hell.
Fact is that only those who keep the Ten Commandments and have at least some level of relationship with Father will go to heaven and the number of people who meet this requirement are very few indeed.
Even most of those who claim to be believers today and who have some level of relationship with Father are largely in for a major shock on the Day of Judgment unless they turn from their sin with regard to the wrong names, wrong Sabbath (Sunday), etc
I have also come to realize that while the tendency is to believe that demons are ugly, violent, etc that, in fact, every person on the planet today has demons at some level and these demons help them to be nice, good, friendly, decent church going people
Do not become complacent in your life and your walk with Yah, draw close to Him, remember the covenant and take the bread and wine regularly, ask Father to show you the level of your current deception and how to correct it on a regular basis and ask Him to judge you severely and correct you harshly on a regular basis
It is vital to understand that "good" is NO guarantee of a favourable outcome on the Day of Judgment, it is compliance with the commandments and relationship with Father that will determine the outcome.
Nearly ALL good people are currently headed for hell!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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