2011.02.16 Do you aspire to do the works that Yahooshua did? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM People who believe are mostly in awe of Yahooshua instead of focussing on doing greater works than Yahooshua did and seeking comparable anointing
Do you aspire to do the works that Yahooshua did?
James Robertson
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In 1993, shortly after Yah intervened in my life and brought me back from a road that was leading to certain eternal damnation, He said to me "read the gospels as though you are Yahooshua "
So i did.
Subsequently i was permitted to experience what it was like to walk under that level of anointing.
That experience has fundamentally informed my understanding of Yahooshua and the anointing of the Spirit of Yah.
Yahooshua said in John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." KJV
It is vital to understand that the works that Yahooshua did were not performed by Yahooshua, they were performed by the Spirit of Yah working through Yahooshua.
It is entirely possible for YOU to come to a place where Yah can work through you with the same power and authority that He worked through Yahooshua, Shaul {Paul} or through any other anointed prophet of Yah who has ever lived.
If you believe that Yahooshua is in some way Yah then you are disempowered from understanding your true potential as a believer.
If you accept that Yahooshua is a human being, a created being, just like you, then it becomes entirely practical to aspire to be like Yahooshua, to perform the works that Yahooshua performed and to speak the words that Yahooshua spoke with the authority that he spoke them.
Or, to do other works and speak other words as Yah has appointed for YOU to do and speak.
As i have mentioned before i had the priviledge last year of meeting a woman who walked very closely with Yah and who was indeed performing many comparable works to those performed by Yahooshua.
What is holding you back?
I would imagine that you may well never have thought that you could do the same or greater works than Yahooshua, i encourage you to put that aside and choose to believe you CAN be like Yahooshua.
You may need to deal with sin in your life and reach a high level of set apartness {sanctification} -- pray appropriate prayers like "Father i ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that i may serve you more perfectly"
You may need to spend a lot more time seeking Father, drawing close to Him, seeking to be filled with His Spirit, praying appropriate prayers, etc -- lay down your life in order to get close enough to Father to be in a position to be used like that
You may need to fast more and pray more, Yahooshua went on a forty day total fast in the wilderness before he started to move in power and i have heard it said that a forty day fast is prerequisite to moving in real power and authority -- a forty day fast involves drinking only water and should only be undertaken if you are sure that Father is calling you to such a fast -- you will also need to abstain from anything that requires large amounts of energy or physical exertion unless you do it under a very intense anointing.
The key point in all this is that YOU are the ONLY factor between you and being used by Father to the extent that He used Yahooshua or any of the other major prophets.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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