2013.03.10 The Inscription on President Barack Obama's Ring Created by James on 9/28/2013 1:57:09 PM
The Inscription on President Barack Obama's Ring
James Robertson
There is an email circulating with photographs of a ring worn by President Barack Obama
The email starts
"What is inscribed on Barack Obama's ring?
"Barack Obama has been wearing the same ring for over 30 years
"When Barack and Michelle were married in October 1992, Barack used the ring as his wedding ring
"So, what is so important about this ring that Obama will never take it off?
"The answer is shocking"
The email eventually shows a close up of the ring and reveals that the inscription on the ring is "There is no God except Allah"
and goes on to comment
"The most transparent president in history?
"Who is this person that occupies the oval office?
"Does anyone really know?"
"Now you know why he keeps apologizing to the Muslim world and defending Islam..... "
The implication is that there is something seriously wrong with this ring and with its inscription
In considering this it is important to understand that an in-depth analysis in the bible reveals that:
Allah (Arabic)
= Ellah (Aramaic)
= Ellohim (Hebrew)
= God (English)
= all in error -- actually means "Mighty One" or "Almighty" depending on context
"Allah" is in fact a more accurate representation of the name of the Almighty than is "God" which is out and out the name of a pagan deity
In actual fact, all these interpretations are incorrect because the true name of the Almighty is "Yah"
There is a massive false perception about Islam which roughly translated simply means "a life of service to the Almighty"
A "Muslim" is one who lives a life of service to the Almighty
Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all nominally worshipping the same Mighty One {God} the Almighty -- "Yah the eternally self existing" -- but all three have massive errors and have deviated from the true religion -- which is a deep personal relationship with the Creator as indicated in the article on "Drawing close to the Almighty"
The Jews deviated so the Almighty sent Yahooshua to correct them
The Christians deviated so the Almighty sent Muhammed to correct them
Now they are all in error and the Almighty is looking to them all to return to His true ways ?
Problem today is that the Christians and Muslims are fighting increasingly and the Christians have massive wrong perceptions of the Muslims, as evidenced by this email about Obama’s ring
The enemy is NOT the Christians or the Muslims, the enemy are the demonic and Satanic spiritual forces BEHIND the lies and the pride and the total deception and sin that permeates the entire planet today
The ONLY valid and constructive way of responding to this situation is to turn to the Almighty with the prayers and fasting advocated in the article on "Drawing close to the Almighty" published earlier today
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.

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