0100 Proof of a Global Flood -- turning history on its head Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM End Time Issue Ministries has recently produced a series of videos which exhaustively prove there has been a global flood from various viewpoints.
End Time Issue Ministries has recently produced a series of videos which exhaustively prove there has been a global flood from various viewpoints.
These videos are available on DVD for a small donation or are available to view on You Tube at:
More information is presented below:
Turning history on its head
Proof of a Global Flood
Dr James Robertson PrEng
Most people pooh pooh the idea of a global flood
everywhere you go on earth the evidence is STARING YOU IN THE FACE!
This video, "Turning history on its head -- Proof of a Global Flood" presents a comprehensive analysis of the huge diversity of evidence around the world that shouts of the occurrence of a global flood.
evidences that this took place not so long ago
and asks the question
"was this a judgment by the Creator?"
if so
is there another judgment to come?
Where will YOU spend eternity?
Join us for what I truly believe you will find to be a challenging and exciting ride
I have finally completed my project to create a video evidencing the reality of a recent global flood based as far as possible on information that you can verify by inspection of geology and topography not far from where you live and based on your observations of the world we live in.
Interestingly we were busy with the final editing of these videos when the earthquake and tsunami's hit Japan providing reinforcing images of the massive capacity of water to reshape things.
In this programme I have set out to avoid the use of emotive language and "the bible is the word of God and it says there was a flood so you better believe it" language.
As an engineer and scientist, an intellectual and, at some level, an academic I have set out to prove there has been a flood based on entirely systematic, rational argument.
I use standard engineering principles like "proof by contradiction", "extrapolation is to be avoided", "engineers design bridges NOT to fall down" and others to develop my argument.
This is supported by evidence that most physical attributes in the real world exhibit exponential characteristics and that linear extrapolation is invalid and unreliable.
This is supported by images from NASA which evidence large quantities of water in the form of ice comets and other objects that could easily impact the earth, melt and flood the planet, massive instability in the Universe around us, runaway stars traveling at a speed that would take them from the earth to the moon in an hour, and other evidence to prove that millions or billions of years of steady state conditions is entirely unlikely.
We go down a Gold mine to find evidence of massive water deposited sediments over two kilometres thick that have been up-thrust by at least seven kilometres and then baked, as in a furnace, to produce glassy quartzite rock. We ask how this could happen and conclude that only a massive hydraulic and tectonic event (flood) could explain this. Dramatic change happens rapidly, NOT slowly.
We travel the world to look at massive sedimentary deposits of water laid material turned to rock, the Grand Canyon, Fish River Canyon, Table Mountain, Uluru (Ayres Rock), all over the world massive depths of water laid material compressed and converted to rock. The only possible explanation is a massive worldwide flood resulting in massive Tsunami's ripping around the planet.
From there we have a look at the Halfway House Granite dome and other granite dome's around the world, massive intrusions that speak to massive disruption of the earth's surface and sudden and rapid breaking through of the earth's crust by molten magma that solidified almost instantly on contact with cold water and cold mud and slush.
From here we take a look at the African Erosion Surface, a massive level plain about 1,700 meters above sea level and parallel with the sea surface which extends over much of Africa. We examine the mechanics of constructing and forming plain and level surfaces and conclude that a massive uniform cutting action is the only possible explanation for this land form. The only possible mechanism is, once again, water! Massive tsunami's ripping around the planet scything off material uniformly.
But, we see a further problem, all over the world we are confronted with massively incised valleys, cliffs and other land forms which speak of huge volumes of rock and earth dramatically ripped away and deposited hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away. The forces required to do this are huge and, again, can only be explained by massive water action. This in turn speaks to a massive disruption of the stability of the earth leading to rapid separation of the continents and drainage of water.
Where to next?
Well, traditional theories suggest that this all took place gradually millions or billions of years ago, but there is a further problem, the rocks in many places show sharp clean fracture corners and the rock is clean. The rounding and moss and lichen growth you would expect to form over millions of years is absent.
We then look at some challenging realities, historical documents that are generally accepted to be at least 2,500 years old that assert that there was a global flood about 4,500 years ago. Timelines and records from various cultures that corroborate this. We find, in a passage of writing commonly referred to as "Genesis" and contained in the book commonly called "the Bible" such historical accounts and also an account that says that a man called Noah or Nuh survived a flood in a wooden vessel, commonly referred to as an Ark.
Then, we discover that the remains of a wooden ship of the same dimensions has been found in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey, just where the historical account says they will be found.
So, what do we believe?
"Scientific" theories that defy basic engineering principles to "prove" by dubious extrapolation that these events happened millions or billions of years ago, or mutually corroborating ancient writings which indicate that it happened about 4,500 years ago?
And so,
To the next stage …
HOW did this happen?
We look at large chunks of ice orbiting just outside our Solar System and postulate that one of these could easily be deflected, strike the earth's atmosphere, melt and flood the earth. We look at Ice Comets only 160 times the distance of the earth to the moon away and draw similar conclusions.
We look at a massive crater on Mars which has characteristics that one would realistically expect from impact by an ice object and see that such a crater stretches from Cape Town to Lusaka, a distance of over 2,000 kilometres.
We also postulate that a near miss by a larger object made partly or entirely of ice could provide sufficient water to flood the earth AND cause the orbit of the earth to shift from circular to elliptical AND cause the earth to tilt on its axis in the process giving rise to massive instability and disruption of the surface of the earth. All entirely consistent with the facts presented so far.
Thus the mechanism for all the geological and topographic formations presented in the video are entirely explainable at a level of reliability that satisfies my need for engineering "explainability".
We face a further challenge
The writings labelled "Genesis" claim that this event was triggered by the being who it also claims created the heavens and the earth, one who is customarily referred to as God, the LORD, Allah, one whose existence many dispute.
We go on to explore this thesis by examining further evidence of the reliability of the accounts contained in the writings referred to as Genesis and Exodus. We look at the remains of cities turned to ash in line with what is reported in Genesis as another judgement. We find the remains of chariots, human and horse skeletons on the floor of the Red Sea where Exodus says they will be found, corroborating another alleged judgment. We find a fire blackened mountain in line with Exodus where it is alleged that this Almighty Creator dictated "Ten Commandments", ten laws, as the basis of judgment of mankind for all time and wrote them on stone.
We consider these commandments and discover that they were placed in a receptacle referred to as "The Ark of the Covenant" and note that this has also been found, together with the tablets of stone, under an execution site which correlates with other historical accounts relating to the execution of a man by the name of Yahooshua, the anointed of Yah (Yah being the true name of the Creator and Yahooshua being the correct name of one commonly known as Jesus Christ).
And so,
We raise the question
Could there be one more judgment?
A judgment which will commit those who fail the test to burn in eternal fire for eternity but qualify those who succeed and overcome to live in a place of great beauty for eternity. We ask you to consider your options and your opinions.
Did the flood "just happen" or was it the consequence of a judgment by the Creator and, if it was a judgment, is there another judgment to come by fire in which we will all participate?
Finally we wrap up with some interesting but little known religious facts.
We have just released this programme comprising two DVD's with a total of twelve video segments following the outline presented above.
It is accompanied by a computer data CD containing a collection of eBooks and articles and other material for further reading, plus the artwork and other material necessary for you to duplicate and distribute these materials yourself together with the PowerPoint presentations if you would like to translate the material or use it for tailored presentations.
The CD also contains the material from a business course of mine titled "Why your ERP is not delivering and how to fix it" and a selection of articles relating to business effectiveness generally.
If you are able to arrange an opportunity for me to present this to an audience or get an article published or gain other exposure I would greatly appreciate your assistance (
IF you feel that the material is of value it would be great if you are able to make a donation towards costs.
It costs R70, about US$10 to produce the DVD set and R30 to post it within South Africa (so R100 total to supply a set by post).
Postage is about R70 (US$10) internationally.
Email James@ETI-Ministries.org to obtain these.

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