2010.12.11 Daddy Yah is LONELY, please talk to Him and use His true Name Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM Our Father in Heaven, our Daddy, who created us, is so lonely, He created us for fellowship and companionship and nearly all the world is ignoring Him and those that are not ignoring Him are insulting and grieving Him with their wrong names, wrong feasts, wrong Sabbath, etc -- please reach out to Him and love Him
Daddy Yah is LONELY, please talk to Him and use His true Name
James Robertson
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I am away on a secluded farm in the Natal Midlands seeking to grow closer to Daddy Yah.
In doing this I am amongst other things getting accustomed to calling Him Daddy, as opposed to Abba.
My reasoning being that Abba is a meaningless word for me as a non-Hebrew, intellectually I sort of know it is the Hebrew for Daddy but it is NOT a word that I intrinsically relate to whereas Daddy has deep meaning to me.
I recently listened to a teaching about our Creator being our Daddy from someone who had such a revelation in this area and spoke with awe about what their Daddy had done that I resolved to change my language in this area as well.
The night before last I was seeking to worship with one of the CD’s I had brought with me which I had thought of as being reasonably reliable from a doctrinal perspective.
Perhaps as a consequence of the series of fasts I have been on I have become more in tune with Daddy’s heart but I found track after track was nice to listen to, a number had sound tracks that I regarded as highly anointed, but …
As I listened, apart from the fact that they all used the incorrect names and titles, which I correct almost without thinking, most of them were about us, me, I, we, there was almost nothing about praising Yah Himself. And then, of course there were tracks that praised Yahooshua and equated him with Yah and these were entirely off the mark.
In the end, on a CD of 20 tracks which had previously been selected with some care I found only two tracks that really praised Yah rather than sung about people or Yahooshua. As I realized this I was wracked with tears and deep grief and I felt how lonely our beloved Heavenly Father, our Daddy was at that moment.
We hardly praise HIM at all, we sing about what we get from Him and what we want from Him and what we do and what we want Him to do but we seldom praise and worship Him.
I thought about recent church visits I have made where I have been deeply troubled by the amount of worship given to wrong names and wrong deities, specifically Yahooshua but I had never appreciated just how lonely and HURT Daddy Yah is at this.
We seem to think we can praise any way we want and He is somehow OK with it, after all, He is big enough to cope isn’t he?
NO, NO, NO, he is LONELY, he is hurting.
We owe our existence to Him and yet we ignore Him almost totally.
And …
I am not talking about the unbelievers, those we love to insult be calling them “unsaved” as though we are guaranteed our place in heaven when all we have done has met the minimum entry conditions for consideration for a place in heaven for eternity.
I am talking about US – YOU AND ME
Do you have any idea how big a SNUB christmas and new year are to Daddy Yah and to Yahooshua?
Do you have any idea what a victory christmas and new year are for Satan and his cohorts?
We boost the global economy for several months before christmas and then the entire global economy grinds to a halt while we worship the sun god and do obeisance with our dollars / rands / pounds / shekels / etc
And through all this Daddy does what Daddy’s do best, put on a brave face and try and be loving and caring and be grateful for the snippets of love and honour that we are able to give Him through our massive deception.
His heart is breaking
And then for the rest of the year we serve him with praise and worship very little of which truly lifts HIM up, most is self centered, self-serving, worships Yahooshua, whatever but it seldom really honours Him and lifts HIM up.
IF you really care about Yah I beg you to start this new calendar year of the satanic calendar (it bears no relation to Yah’s calendar) by committing yourself by seeking to put into practice what I have shared with you in recent weeks regarding the true Names, the true identity of Yahooshua, etc.
And commit yourself to being selective about the worship music you listen to and sing to and if you have musical ability consider recording music that really does honour Yah as Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Almighty Mighty One who gave you life and in who is all hope of salvation – use the tunes you like with the words adjusted.
I pray that you will find this article of value and will pass it on to others.
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