2011.09.07 Yah works through His anointed prophets NOT committees Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
An immediate litmus test to establish that both the bible as a whole and the King James translation are NOT inspired by Yah is that both were compiled by committees -- Yah does not work through committees, He works through individual prophets.
This article examines this topic.
Yah works through His anointed prophets
NOT committees
James Robertson
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In the previous article I outlined some of the history of the bible and made the assertion that its origins reinforced what Yah has said about the bible NOT being what is claimed for it.
In the third party article relating to the alleged divine authority for the name Jesus based on the alleged divine authority of the King James English translation I referenced the Council of Nicea as the point at which the Roman church adopted the compilation of writings which forms the basis of the bible.
A key element of the deductive basis for rejecting any and all outputs of the Council of Nicea AND the translation of the King James version is that both were the result of the work of committee's or councils – groups of people deliberating to reach consensus.
The fact that the bible is the output of a council and that the King James translation is the output of a committee immediately disqualifies both of them from being inspired by Yah.
The simple reality is that Yah operates through prophets (spokesmen and women) and NOT through committees.
Yah relies on a human being who has set themselves apart with fasting and prayer to come to a place of hearing from Yah and then giving a word or words, whether a single sentence or an entire book.
If the bible were indeed compiled at the leading of the Spirit of Yah I have it clearly that a single anointed man or woman of Yah would have isolated themselves from the world and spent time with Yah in order to hear clearly which writings were to be included in the compilation, this did NOT happen and therefore without alternative insight it is reasonable to conclude that the bible as endorsed by the council of Nicea did NOT originate with Yah.
In the same way, if a translation were to be anointed I would expect that a single prophet would isolate themselves alone with Yah in order to make the translation. The King James was translated by committee and therefore it can reasonably be concluded that it is NOT a definitive inspired translation as some claim.
Note that, by definition, a committee seeks consensus and therefore it is a lowest common denominator method of working – only that which all committee members or at least the majority of committee members agree on is adopted. Thus even if there is one or more highly anointed one in the group they will have to compromise with whatever the least anointed person in the group will agree with and therefore there can be expected to be significant interference by demons and ignorance. This is a major reason why virtually all English translations are corrupt at a fundamental level associated with the false doctrines that prevailed in the era around 300 AD.
In contrast, I have it that the Amplified Bible was prepared by a single person and there is reason to believe that they were relatively anointed when they prepared that translation and it is therefore a relatively anointed translation BUT it still suffers from the reality that it builds on a book which was compiled by committee.
Yah does NOT work through committees to create major inspired works, He speaks through individual prophets.
Be cautious about what resources you rely on – Yah wants a personal relationship with you and wants YOU to turn to Him and not the work of some committee.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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