2012.07.06 Deliverance versus Discipline Created by James on 9/28/2013 6:41:04 AM We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against unseen Satanic and demonic forces -- the battle is a battle of the will, of self discipline, of seeking truth and living by it.
It IS important to get delivered of demons BUT we will NOT get delivered UNLESS we exercise discipline to resist them so that they will leave when they are commanded to leave.
Deliverance versus Discipline
James Robertson
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The demonic realm is huge and little understood.
The harsh reality is that there are billions of demons on planet earth today, on average there are roughly 1,000 demons for every human being alive today.
Some people are carrying huge numbers of demons, others are carrying fewer.
These demons seek to mislead people, to steer them into sin, etc.
They speak to us sometimes with audible voices, mostly deep down in our spirits.
They seek to lead us into sin and their ultimate goal is to ensure that we each are found wanting on the Day of Judgment and cast into the Lake of Fire to be consumed along with the demons who already know that this is their fate! UNLESS they can arrange things that Yah is defeated on earth by the end of the Age in which case Yahooshua will NEVER RETURN.
Understanding the demonic realm IS an important aspect of being a believer and seeking to be delivered of demons IS an important activity in the life of all who believe.
HOWEVER, demons are NOT the biggest issue – obedience and discipline are THE biggest issue in this context.
One can have demons and allow them to manipulate and control one OR one can resist them.
A necessary part of deliverance is to seek the truth to counter the error and sin that gave the demon the legal right to oppress you, repent of your error and wrong behaviour and then resist the demon and tell it to leave you acting in the authority that Yahooshua purchased for those who believe through him.
Where you lack the knowledge or the faith to be delivered on your own it is advisable to seek the ministry of a prophet gifted in deliverance in order to get you free – these are few and far between.
In general, full deliverance is a lengthy journey of progressive learning, changing behaviour, getting delivered and moving on to the next layer of demons that are oppressing you. Typically this will take years of committed endeavour – experienced deliverance ministers describe it as being like peeling back the layers of an onion.
Curses need to be broken and there may be blood line stuff going back thousands of years.
A simple example was a woman who tried to commit suicide on her 21st birthday because she was impelled by a demon that had followed her bloodline for 13 generations charged with offering the first born of the thirteenth generation to Satan on their 21st birthday.
Every one of us carries a complex legacy of curses and associated demons going back all the way to Adam in some cases.
In other situations practicing witches who are nurses put demons on children at birth, removing demons from people who are dying and transferring them to the new born or young children in hospitals.
There is a complex spiritual battle being waged which is the REAL WAR, we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against the demonic and satanic spirits in the spirit realm who are intent on destroying us – their ultimate mission is to ensure that there is not a single believer on earth with the authority to restore the kingdom to Yahooshua at the end of the Age in about 3003, nearly a thousand years from now.
It is also so that today there is NOT a single person on earth who is totally free of demons – you may believe you are free but that is a reflection of the reality that you do not understand the full complexity of the Satanic and demonic realm that is ranged against you.
It only takes a slight misdemeanour for a demon to attach itself to you and it will NOT leave unless you directly and authoritatively tell it to leave AFTER you have dealt with the associated sin and necessary cleansing – virtually no one knows to do this or has the manifest faith and authority to do it and, quite frankly, most / all of us are too sloppy to deal with demons as they arise!
There is another side to this.
You are NOT a victim of your demons and you do NOT have to succumb to them.
Yah has given His Spirit in you to teach you truth and you can choose to exercise your WILL to seek what is right and to DO it no matter what demons you are carrying.
This is a matter of DISCIPLINE!
To give you an example – about ten years ago I erroneously concluded that when I ministered deliverance to myself and others I should tell the demons to go to the Pit for a thousand years. The Pit is where Satan is currently locked up.
The problem is that I do NOT have the authority to pass such a sentence AND such a sentence is frequently excessive for a demon. Consider that it took over six thousand years of rebellion for Satan to earn a thousand year sentence and it immediately becomes apparent that the demons that serve him cannot possibly qualify for a thousand years in the Pit.
The CORRECT prayer is to instruct the demons to go where Yah sends them for the duration He sends them.
I had ministered deliverance to others with this incorrect prayer and, more importantly for the purpose of this teaching, I had prayed this incorrect prayer with regard to demons that were oppressing me and that I knew had come upon me as a consequences of places I had been and things I had done as part of what Yah had called me to do.
The net result was that while the demons were bound they had NOT LEFT me so that I was carrying a huge package of demons – Yah had sent me into situations that had exposed me to great attack – in addition witches and other agents of Satan had pronounced over 192 death curses over me and offered about 53 human sacrifices against me. Furthermore, because of my calling I was carrying a huge pack of curses and demons going back thousands of years which I knew nothing about because I was largely ignorant of the deeper things of the demonic and Satanic realm.
The prophetic minister and associated team who ministered deliverance to me prayed for me for two days and then another minister prayed for me for a further two days to get rid of all the stuff that Yah revealed to them. This minister, who had ministered deliverance to senior witches who had come to a saving faith in Yah through the covenant of Yahooshua commented that I had as many demons as the most heavily infested witch she had ever ministered to!
BUT there was an interesting aside to this.
DESPITE this huge baggage of demons and the 192 death curses and 53 human sacrifices (mostly babies taken in abortions) for my death none of this had touched me – by all accounts I should have been dead – but the reality was that I had been constantly praying for Yah to judge me for over a decade, asking Him to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, claiming that His messengers were encamped around me to protect me, that no weapon formed against me would prosper, etc -- Yah had kept me safe from all of this BECAUSE I was at some material level DISCIPLINED in serving Him.
This is NOT to say that there were NOT instances where the demons DID trip me up and lead me into sin, I had some deep issues that I battled with for years, but it IS to say that if you are intent on seeking a high throne, on being an overcomer, of constantly seeking judgement in your life, etc – in other words – being disciplined in your service of Yah it IS possible to have demons operating on you and STILL serve Yah effectively.
I stress that we SHOULD all seek deliverance and seek to be free of demons BUT you will NOT get free of demons unless you FIRST exercise the discipline necessary to resist those demons so that they WILL flee from you when commanded to leave.
Discipline is a vital aspect of life as a believer – resist demons and when you tell them to leave they will leave IF you have the faith, the anointing and the authority or work with someone who does BUT without discipline we will never get free of demons.
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