2011.12.04 Sex – woman is to minister to her man Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Sexual desire and lovemaking is first and foremost the responsibility of the woman
Sex – woman is to minister to her man
James Robertson
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There is a logical extension of the previous three articles.
Man is head of the woman and also priest of Yah to the woman, that means that the man is intended to look upward toward Yah and minister to Yah and the woman is to look upward to Yah through her man.
By implication this means that in sexual love making it is the responsibility of the woman to minister to her man and initiate sexual love making and exercise initiative and thought leadership in love making with her man.
We see this clearly in the story of Esther where the basis of becoming queen was that the woman should sexually please the king to an intense degree.
Modern thinking has it that the woman should not show any sexual desire or take the lead sexually and that she should wait passively for the man to take the lead.
In addition it frequently happens that a woman blames her man if she does not get enough sex and in many cases uses this as an excuse to seek sex elsewhere in the process committing an abomination in the sight of Yah.
By implication the woman's sexual technique must be well developed and she should show initiative and creativity in love making.
This does NOT obviate the need for the man also to be a skilled, sensitive and tender lover and to take the lead at times in love making but it DOES put the onus on women far more than is customary.
Note also that since Yah created men and women such that a man is permitted to join himself to more than one woman any woman who demands and is granted a monogamous relationship is, by implication, taking on a major obligation to full all her man's sexual needs in terms of frequency, diversity and creativity.
Having said this, a truly set-apart {sanctified} man will NOT experience any sexual arousal unless his woman projects sexual desire toward him at a spiritual level – I am NOT talking about head desire I am talking about a spiritually attuned desire that the man physically can feel and experience.
There is much that could be written on this subject but that is not my intention at this stage. I hope in time to write a book on the subject of sexual love making as Yah intends it to be, in the absence of such a reference one must pick and choose from the material that is available. "The Joy of Sex" by Dr Alex Comfort, available from www.Amazon.com is a useful reference albeit it contains some elements that are contrary to Yah's ways and which should be avoided. http://www.amazon.com/Joy-Sex-Revised-Completely-Updated/dp/1400046149
Yah's order requires that the woman and NOT the man should take the lead in sexual love making.
The man is required to look to Yah and minister to Yah, the woman is required to look to Yah through her man and to minister to Yah with and through her man.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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