2011.03.08 How do I get to a much closer relationship with Yah? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM A few days ago I received an email which, amongst other things, posed the question "How can believers get to the point of a close relationship with Yah?
Based on my own experience and the experience of others that I have come across I will share some suggestions.
How do I get to a much closer relationship with Yah?
James Robertson
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A few days ago I received an email which, amongst other things, posed the question "How can believers get to the point of a close relationship with Yah? "
Based on my own experience and the experience of others that I have come across I will share some suggestions.
The walk of each individual is different and all I can do is give you some pointers.
1. Quality decision and willingness to sacrifice
a. Decision
The first step in getting closer to Yah is to make a quality, no going back, decision to serve Him and get as close to Him as you can.
b. Decision and set your goal
What is your benchmark?
♦ Some person you know?
♦ Some servant {prophet} of old or more recently that you have read of or heard tell of?
♦ Yahooshua?
♦ Greater works than Yahooshua?
Get on your knees before Yah, make a declaration of commitment and ask Him to help you get as close to Him as you desire – or as He desires – and He desires YOU to be closer to Him than any other human being who has ever lived!
2. Cut out of your life all that distracts you, immerse, anoint
a. Cut out distractions
If you are not devoting most or all of your time outside of work that is necessary for you to live, to service of Yah and to seeking His face, now is the time to do this.
Cut out TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, competitive sport, ALL non-essential secular activities. You MIGHT retain occasionally looking at the news or newspapers very infrequently, you MIGHT continue to engage in some form of sport activity for your health but you MIGHT cut out ALL of these almost completely.
Yah is able to show you what you need to know and it is His Spirit in you that will sustain your body IF you get sufficiently filled with His Spirit.
b. Dead with Yahooshua it is no longer I that live but the Spirit of Yah who lives through me
IF you are serious about this you are seeking to be so dead to self that it is no longer you that lives but the Spirit of Yah that lives in you, speaks through you, ministers through you, etc – Galatians 2:20 – refer previous article on this.
c. Anointing and immersion
If you have never been immersed see if you can find an anointed one to immerse you but if you cannot, then immerse yourself, if you have one or two friends who are also serious get them to immerse with you.
Immersion is a routine ordinance for cleansing from defilement, read Leviticus, there are about fifteen instances where we are commanded to immerse ourselves.
d. Triple immersion
Once you have committed yourself to this journey immerse yourself three times – preferably in a swimming pool or other large body of water or in a bath if necessary.
Immerse once for cleansing from sin, once for immersion deeper into the Spirit of Yah (or infilling with His Spirit if you have never prayed this before) and once for immersion deeper into the kingdom of Yah.
Before you immerse yourself anoint yourself unless you can find an anointed one who is willing to anoint you – see below.
e. Anoint with the blood of the covenant
Take the covenant meal, the bread and wine, and keep some of the wine or grape juice over – pray over this to represent the blood of the covenant and then apply a bit to:
♦ The earlobe of your right ear – pray for your hearing to be cleansed of all defilement and your spiritual ears to be opened
If you are intensely committed you can rub the wine all over both your ears
♦ The thumb of your right hand – pray for your writing and your contracting to be cleansed of all defilement and for your writing and contracting in future to be what Yah wants and that only.
If you want to go all out then wash both your hands totally with the wine.
♦ The big toe of your right foot – pray that your walk will be cleansed of all defilement and that you will walk only the path that Father wants you to walk from that moment on.
If you want to go all out then wash both feet totally.
♦ If you want to REALLY go ALL OUT then anoint your eyelids and ask that your eyes be cleansed of all defilement, anoint your lips and tongue and ask that they be cleansed of all defilement, repent of all wrong words that have come out of your mouth, rinse your mouth out if you like.
o Anoint your sexual organs, commit them to Yah, repent of all wrong usage.
o If you want to go REALLY ALL OUT then pour some of the wine over your head, rub it into your head and ask for cleansing of your mind, anoint your forehead and ask for all marks that are not of Yah to be removed and then anoint your entire body.
o Whatever wine is left empty it over your head – best to do this in a shower or bath
f. Anoint with oil representing the Spirit of Yah
You can take this a step further by taking some Olive Oil, pray over it to represent the set apart {holy} anointing oil of the Spirit of Yah and anoint yourself to whatever degree you anointed yourself with the wine (blood) – if you are standing on a slippery surface make sure you are standing on a towel or similar.
As you anoint pray that you will hear Yah more clearly than you have ever heard Him, see by His Spirit, speak by His Spirit, think by His Spirit (the mind of the anointing of the Spirit of Yah), walk by His Spirit, write and contract by His Spirit, walk by His Spirit and be led by His Spirit wherever you go.
g. Shaving
If you are willing to go further you can shave yourself symbolically with a razor, passing it lightly over every part of your body praying for all links with the past to be cut off as you do so – do this BEFORE you anoint.
OR you can literally shave yourself -- I once shaved myself totally, including the hair of my head, all except my eyebrows because Father told me to stop at that point – I then wore sackcloth for a week and rubbed ash on my head.
Women should NOT shave their heads under any circumstances!
It all depends how far you are willing to go – how radical is your commitment?
Only do these last things if you are seriously committed and these things really mean something to you and you are doing them because you want to cut all defilement from the past and start out anew.
You may NOT decide to do this now but you might do it in a week or a month or a year or in ten years, as you feel the Spirit of Yah leading you.
h. The first day, the seventh day and the eighth day
If you are really going all out you might anoint fully and immerse fully on the first day, the seventh day and the eighth day.
You might also go on a fast during this period, taking only the covenant meal in small quantities morning and evening and drinking only water and even taking the eight days off work and spending the entire time praying, worshipping, reading, etc and seeking to get as close to Yah as possible.
It is a matter of what Yah leads YOU to do at any point in time AND how determined you are to break old patterns in your life and start something new.
i. Radical prayers
While you are doing the above pray radical prayers as you feel led to pray only do NOT be presumptious.
j. Immersion
Once you have done as much of the above as you feel comfortable doing and as you feel Yah is calling you to do – note that Yah may ask you to do things that you are NOT comfortable with, THEN immerse yourself three times.
I have done the above a number of times (barring the seven or eight day fast).
The first time I immersed three times I did it with three others in my home swimming pool (after I had privately anointed myself totally and shaved myself).
The first time we went under the water a large demonic sphinx left the property, the third time we went under the water Yahooshua walked down into the water to join us with his arms outstretched towards us.
You can do some or all of this (anoint and immerse) with someone who has just come to belief, the first time I did this was with a Satanist killer, the third time he went under the water he saw the gates of heaven swing open for him!
3. Spend as much time as you can in Yah's presence; praise and worship, get close to those who are more anointed than you; spend as much time as possible reading, listening and watching, ask questions and expect answers
a. Get on your knees before Yah daily
If you are not already past this point then I suggest at least an hour every morning and an hour every evening MINIMUM on your knees before Him EVERY day.
Speak to Him, share EVERYTHING with Him, listen to Him.
If you are not accustomed to hearing His voice ask Him to open your spiritual ears to hear Him better
b. Praise and worship
Spend as much time as you can every day in praise and worship, listen to CD's etc when driving or travelling, however you travel, at home, whenever you can. Soak yourself in praise and worship and ask Him and expect Him to fill you.
BUT make sure that the praise and worship IS pleasing to Yah, praise and worship of Yahooshua is NOT pleasing to Yah, it is idolatry and worse, it breaks the first commandment, it grieves and hurts Daddy Yah grievously.
Listen carefully to all the praise and worship CD's and tapes that you have, check out the words, read the words on the inserts, etc and exclude ALL songs that do not give all the praise and worship to Yah – chances are you will find very few songs amongst all that you have that truly meet this requirement. Ideally make new CD's with only those songs you have selected.
If you are willing to do the work, obtain audio editing software and blank out or overwrite the wrong names such as God, the LORD, Jesus, etc and replace with the correct names Yah, Yahooeh, Yahweh, El, Yahooshua as the music allows you to substitute without disrupting the song.
If you do NOT have the tools or the skills to do this simply ask for forgiveness and as you sing substitute with the correct words.
You will find with time that you notice more and more errors, just bypass these songs.
If you DO edit songs please let me know, I would love to have copies.
Once you have a reasonably large collection of suitable songs you can ask Daddy Yah to lead you as you worship to jump from one track to another – if you do this listen carefully, He may give you important messages through this.
c. Get in the presence of anointed one's – IF you can
Where you can find someone who is anointed try and get in their presence, be taught by them, be prayed for by them, etc BUT in this age be careful, many have lost their anointing from Yah to demonic anointing's because they insist on worshipping Yahooshua or Jesus, using the wrong names, etc.
If you are certain that one is truly an anointed one of Yah then ask them to lay hands on you to receive fresh measures of the Spirit of Yah or whatever they feel led to pray for you.
Just being in the same room with them will open the way for the anointing on your life to increase BUT never lose sight of the fact that while it is more difficult to do this on your own Yah is entirely able to anoint you to full measure even if you ARE on your own.
d. Reading, listening to books, watching teachings
Spend as much time as you can reading books by anointed writers including but NOT limited to the bible, listen to teachings by anointed one's , watch DVD's by anointed one's.
In all this ask Yah for guidance, there is a huge amount of error out there and you need constant guidance.
If something makes you feel uncomfortable, ask Yah for guidance and if unsure put it one side.
Note that your demons can make you feel uncomfortable with things that are from Yah.
Note that just about anything you obtain today from the "Christian" church is highly contaminated with error – filter out the truth and set aside the error but depending on where you are in your walk Father may tell you to put aside the book, turn off the CD or DVD or walk out of the meeting.
e. The book {bible}
Note that the book {the bible} is NOT the inerrant word of Yah – it is a collection of writings that makes NO SUCH CLAIM FOR ITSELF, some of it is inspired but for the most part the level of anointing on the book is limited.
It IS a useful reference work with regard to experiences of anointed one's and there is much that can be learned from it.
BUT there is much more to be learned that is NOT in the book.
You will go seriously off track if you worship the book and esteem it more highly than you ought.
There are reasons Satan and the forces of darkness have permitted the book to become so widely distributed.
Read the book in as many different translations as you can get your hands on. Useful translations include the King James Version, the Amplified Version, the version called The Scriptures, the Living Torah (Jewish), there are many others but do NOT get stuck on the book, find writings by other anointed one's as well.
f. Offense
In all of this do NOT worry unduly about offending people, once you start serving Yah you WILL offend people. Try and be diplomatic and avoid dispute but when you need to get out get out!
g. Ask Yah questions and expect ansers
In all of this ask Yah questions and by faith expect Him to answer you.
When Father first brought me back in 1993 I was very sceptical about the bible and after a few weeks of encountering people who gave meaningful teachings from the book I took the book, held it up and said Father "these people tell me this is your word, I choose to believe this and I am asking you to answer all my questions".
I asked a very large number of questions, some answers took years to get because I was not in the right place either physically and / or spiritually to receive the answer when I asked the question.
After about eight years He showed me the bible was NOT the Word of God, that it contained error and that it was sin to esteem it this way!
Hearing Yah is a FAITH thing – trust Yah, if you are not sure ask for confirmation but be willing to go forward with His voice even when you are not sure.
4. Clean out your life, your house and your work the idols, demons, artifacts, etc that contaminate you, fast regularly; seek deliverance of you and your house
a. Clean out your house
Ask Father Yah to help you – clean out all idolatrous and defiled objects out of your life and your house and your heart.
Books, pictures, videos, etc, etc that have demonic symbolism, pornography, nude photo's, statues, etc.
This is a huge subject, ask Yah to lead you, ask Him to bring people into your life who can help you, ask Him to lead you to websites, books, CD's, etc, etc that will guide you. There is some information on my www.ETIMin.org website – the older articles.
Do NOT go on a rampage in ignorance but if something is troubling you get rid of it.
If it belongs to someone else, politely return it.
If it belongs to you DESTROY IT, by which I mean burn it, smash it with a hammer, cut it up and shred it, destroy it in such a way that no other human being can be contaminated by it.
If you dispose of something because you believe it is sin to own it how can you give it to another?
This includes putting things in a rubbish bin – people scavenge in such bins and may be contaminated by your spiritual trash which can have considerable worldly value – can include books, paintings, computer games, etc, etc, etc.
If they belong to your children handle sensitively, explain why you are destroying things, do NOT do it in a way that causes massive trauma, enlist their help. It is stealing to take their things and destroy them unless they have given willing consent without coercion.
b. Demons, blood line curses, modern curses, etc
Find anointed one's who are gifted in the field of deliverance and get them to pray for you to cut off curses, etc on you and your life.
This is an on-going process which can last for years.
There are only a small number of people who are gifted in this area and most have limited gifts and experience in limited areas.
I have been going for ministry and ministering to myself for seventeen years and have continued to discover new things going back further and further into the past as well as stuff I have picked up in my day to day activities.
Constantly ask Father to show you what you can deal with yourself and what you need others to help you with and ask Him to lead you to those who can help you.
c. Fast
Fasting is important, fast as you are led by Father.
Refer previous article on fasting.
5. Rehearse the covenant, know the ten commandments, repent and make right, look to the eternal goal
a. Rehearse the covenant
Refer the article a few months ago on the covenant. This should be a routine part of your life, Yahooshua commanded us to "do this as oft as you shall eat it" and "do this as oft as you shall drink it".
Currently I partake of the bread at the start of the meal every breakfast time and the wine (grape juice) at the end of the meal.
When I am fasting I usually take small quantities morning and evening although many would say that you should not do this during a fast – depends on the fast and what Father says to you.
b. The Ten Commandments and Judgment to come
Make sure you know and deeply understand the Ten Commandments and be conscious of coming judgment.
Once you really seek to understand and apply the commandments it is likely to take you months and possibly years before Yah finishes bringing sins to your remembrance so you can repent of them and deal with consequences.
c. Repent and make right
Once you become aware of sin, recent or historic, repent to Yah, see what He wants done, He may require you to publicly return things you have stolen and publicly ask for forgiveness.
He may require you to make good other people's losses as a consequence of your sin – restitution.
d. Focus on the eternal goal
Focus on living life for eternity.
Get my ebook "Where will you spend eternity?" from www.ETIMin.org and study it and apply it.
Pray regularly that you may overcome to the end, that you may be found a "good and faithful servant" on the Day of Judgment, etc.
Pray regularly that you may be judged and corrected in this life.
6. Pray radical prayers
Pray radical prayers.
As you read if you encounter a radical prayer, such as "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly" write it down and add it to your list of prayers that you pray regularly and then expect it to be answered and deal with whatever you find you have to deal with.
"Father I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people you do not want in my life out" – do not be surprised by what happens, in the first year after I prayed this for the first time I lost my wife, most of my staff and most of my friends! In each case Yah showed me why He was taking them out.
"Father please open the doors you want opened and close the doors you want closed".
There is a document called "Important prayers" on the website.
7. Walk by faith – be obedient unto death, do NOT count the cost, be willing to make sacrifices
Walk trusting Yah to lead you.
Be willing to be obedient to death.
Take risks.
If He tells you to stop and help someone, just do it.
If He tells you to sell everything and give it to the poor, check it out with Him and then do it!
I know a highly anointed woman who has walked over three decades with Yah and been used to raise a number from the dead, early on in her walk Father told her to sell her highly successful business, give all the money away, buy a rundown car and move to a small town where no one knew her and live by faith NOT telling anyone that she had no work and no food.
Yah fed her day by day until her faith was so strong that she came to rely totally on His provision and came to walk in abundance through that provision. Her faith was such that she could walk into a shop, believe for the money to buy something and have the money in her bank account by the time she got to the till.
BUT, she was willing to go to the airport and stand in a queue not knowing where she was going and not having the money to get anywhere and be met by a man who brought the money AND the instructions as to where she should go.
She was willing to go into life threatening situations and died and was brought back from death several times.
Are you willing to behave so radically?
Do you want to raise the dead, heal the sick, open blind eyes?
To have wisdom such as Daniel had?
To walk in other gifts from Yah?
YOU ARE ABLE provided only that you make the sacrifices of obedience, earnestly desire, pay the price and desire the gifts in your life that YAH WANTS FOR YOU!
YOU are the only constraint between you and Father Yah, He is willing.
He earnestly desires a close relationship with you.
Are YOU willing to pay the price?
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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