Dimensions in drawing close to Yah
James Robertson
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In seeking to better understand my own journey with Yah and to understand some of the things I have observed in recent years I have come to see the following picture:
In order to walk consistently and sustainably with Yah it is necessary to walk in a balance of these four dimensions – relationship with Yah, anointing of His Spirit, knowledge of His teachings, commandments, laws, principles, etc and experience of Him and His ways.
It seems to me that most of us get off track when we grow in one area and neglect the others.
If we pursue knowledge at the expense of anointing, relationship and experience our knowledge becomes dead.
If we pursue anointing without knowledge, relationship and experience we get lost in "feel good" experiences and possibly even signs and wonders without having the insight and relationship and experience to apply the anointing effectively.
If we do not have a close relationship with Yah and do not hear His voice and know His heart on matters we can get seriously derailed and make serious mistakes.
If we concentrate on relationship and anointing and gain knowledge but never put it into practice, make mistakes and gain experience our faith is dead and of no value.
Most of us tend to be strong in some of these areas and weak in others but if we remain weak in certain areas it will eventually result in our walk being side-tracked or derailed.
Many people who I have observed miss Yah have done so because they have drifted too close in some areas at the expense of developing in the other areas.
All of these dimensions are necessary to climb the mountain of Yah and get really close to Him and be effective:

This graphic illustrates where all human-kind is with regard to Yah and Satan.
Every person on the planet is somewhere on the blue line. Those far towards the left are operating in high levels of error and evil and those towards the far right are operating in high levels of truth and good and relationship and closeness to Yah.
Most people on the planet live in the relatively level ground in the middle with a mixture of significant amounts of truth AND error – just "ordinary" people – they are largely unaware of the spiritual battle raging around them, they have enough sin to send them to the Lake of Fire on the Day of Judgment. They are therefore not a threat to the forces of darkness so the forces of darkness do not trouble them unduly.
The people on the far left are Satanists, Witches, etc and are actively and knowingly serving Satan and are backing Satan for victory – it is important to note that it is relatively easy to slide down the hill towards increasing deception and evil and that ultimately it becomes a slippery slope leading to destruction – "broad is the way".
On the far right are those who are seeking to grow close to Yah.
The graphic of the mountain depicts that it is not an easy climb, that it is easy to slip and slide back down and that, in earthly terms, the mountain is not attractive.
The higher one climbs on this mountain the more difficult it becomes and the more one is attacked by the forces of darkness, whether direct attacks or demonically inspired thoughts, tiredness, carelessness, lust, etc.
Getting to the top is what it means to be an overcomer, one who emerges at the END of one's life victorious over all the challenges that the forces of darkness and life generally have thrown at one.
A large part of making this climb successfully and sustainably lies in the first diagram – a balance between relationship, anointing, knowledge and experience.
If you aspire to be an overcomer and sit on a high throne for eternity or, even if you just aspire to make it to heaven at all, you need to understand these two diagrams and seek to walk in that understanding for the rest of your life.
"Father, judge me severely and correct me harshly in the name of Yahooshua"
and "Father, please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it in the name of Yahooshua"
and "Father guide me in all possible ways that I may overcome to the end, in the name of Yahooshua"
are all important prayers
It is vital to find a balance between relationship with Yah, anointing, knowledge and experience in the service of Yah and to constantly seek to climb closer to Yah in all of these areas.
If you are NOT drawing closer you are falling away as is happening to most people today.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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