2011.08.03 The bible IS a useful reference work – period Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM To sum up, the bible is a useful reference work and that is all
The bible IS a useful reference work – period
James Robertson
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There has been various comment in response to the previous article insofar as it is perceived that I am detracting from the value of the bible as viewed by people who have come from a Christian background.
Accordingly I would like to clarify:
There is a considerable amount of history in the bible relating to Yah's relationships with various people, this is useful and we can learn from these passages. We can also ask Yah questions about these historical accounts and this opens the door for Yah to speak to us. About half the bible falls into this category. It is NOT necessary for these passages to be inspired or the word of Yah or whatever, they are simply accounts written by human beings who thought what happened was important. Whether the writers were inspired or not is not relevant. It is the facts that are valuable.
Yah says that approximately 2% of the entire bible IS inspired as in words spoken directly by Yah through the human being doing the writing – this IS a significant amount of text but it does NOT justify the bible being regarded as the word of God. We need to seek these passages.
Keep in mind that the words spoken by Balaam's donkey are arguably amongst the most inspired words in the bible (it is stated that the donkey was not in the habit of speaking so this had to be the Spirit of Yah speaking through the donkey) but they are NOT relevant to others so inspiration is not relevant without revelation and revelation is given by Yah and NOT the book.
Yah uses the bible to speak to people because so many people believe what they do about the bible and they filter what they hear from Yah through that belief. Even highly anointed one's do that – remember that there is NO ONE on earth today who is anointed more than half of the level of anointing that Yahooshua walked under. So Yah is constrained and the bible IS therefore a useful resource – because men have limited Him to "this tiny book" – Yah's words.
Yah says there are BILLIONS of pages of writings past and present that He has inspired through the ages and in the current age. He says that if we are to give the bible special treatment then we should give comparable special treatment to ALL inspired writings and since it is impossible for this to be done in practice it is entirely unacceptable to Him that men give special treatment to the bible – Yah stresses that people have made the bible an IDOL and Yah is highly DISPLEASED with this.
Yah stresses that without His Spirit the bible is powerless! Given that there are billions of bibles on the planet today and that only approximately a hundred thousand people on earth today have even vaguely meaningful relationships with Yah (as rated by Yah) it is clear that the bible is powerless! The bible on its own can do NOTHING, it is ONLY the Spirit of Yah in a person who can make the words in the bible come alive and if a person does NOT FIRST have the Spirit of Yah leading them by faith and by choice then the bible is no more valuable than any other collection of human writings.
All English translations that I have encountered are full of translation errors for the reasons previously discussed so, once again, the bible is NOT the word of Yah and without error.
So, what am I saying?
The bible is without value without first entering into a relationship with Yah.
IF you have a deep personal relationship with Yah then the bible is a useful resource to help you grow – WITHIN LIMITATIONS.
Use the bible prayerfully and carefully and turn to Yah NOT the bible as your source of teaching.
If you want to defend the bible then do so as a reasonably reliable history book with occasional inspired passages.
If you go beyond this in defending the bible you are guilty of making an idol out of the book – Yah says that virtually the entire Christian Church are so guilty.
Concentrate on building your relationship with Yah FIRST and then use the book and other human writings as useful sources of reference material – NO more than this.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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