2012.06.10 Some Important Questions Deity? – Judgment? Created by James on 9/28/2013 5:13:18 AM I received an inquiry in response to the article on the Sabbath questioning why I say that Yahooshua is NOT deity and believers will burn in the Lake of Fire.
This article responds to these questions and references previous articles for more detail.
Some Important Questions
Deity? – Judgment?
James Robertson
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In response to my article on the True Sabbath (2012.06.05) I received the following email:
“I’ve just read your article and I’m puzzled:
- “Deity of Yahooshua?
- “Burn in lake of fire for a season before entering heaven?
- “Being totally consumed in the lake of fire?
“Please would you send me info on this as these fly in the face of what we’ve been taught or how I understand Scripture?
“Please send me Scripture reference to these?
“Thanks …”
Burning in the Lake of Fire
Regarding burning in the Lake of Fire the reference is straightforward:
Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” KJV
Since the unbelieving are clearly referenced as the second category all the rest of the people referred to in this verse are believers who will burn – notice also the word “part” which indicates that these people will only burn for a season – Yah has clearly told me over many years that ALL people who have unconfessed sin on the Day of Judgment will BURN in proportion to the magnitude of their unconfessed sin.
Relating to the article in question, since observing the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) is one of the Ten Commandments all children of Israel will burn for a season before entering heaven IF they are believers at the time of their death.
Also refer to the articles
2011_02_12_23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese
2011_02_13_Heaven is so Real by Choo Thomas
2011_02_15_There are good decent people in hell by James Robertson
2011_03_03_No one is intentionally going to hell by James Robertson
2011_05_06_Pictures_from_the_PIT by a young Korean artist taken to Hell
All on the http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/
The reports by Bill Wiese, Choo Thomas and the young Korean artist ALL evidence BELIEVERS burning in the Lake of Fire and in torment for their sins
There is further information on my two websites:
http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/ -- use the search function on this site or the Tag Cloud or the catalogue in the right hand side bar
http://www.etimin.org/ -- read the tables of contents in sections 3a and 3b
Also read the eBook “Where will YOU Spend Eternity” available at http://www.etimin.org/ -- see “Important Articles” on the home page
Also search for the word “fire” in any “New Testament” concordance and you will find a substantial number of words with reference to burning in fire, many attributed to Yahooshua. Since Yahooshua is reported to ONLY have preached to believers we must accept that his cautions about people burning in fire ALL related to believers.
Yahooshua is NOT “deity”
Regarding Yahooshua NOT being deity the simplest answer is the first commandment in Exodus 20:2-3 “2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” KJV
This translation is inaccurate, the correct translation is “2 I am Yah the eternally self-existing {The LORD} thy Mighty One {God}, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other mighty one’s {god’s} before me.” KJV
Once we rectify the incorrect translation the answer is simple, Yahooshua’s {Jesus’} name is Yahooshua which means “Yah is salvation”, his name is NOT Yah, therefore Yahooshua is NOT Yah and since we are commanded NOT to have any other mighty one’s {god’s} beside Yah it is clear that Yahooshua cannot be Yah and it is sin to worship him.
Since his very name means Yah is salvation it is apparent that Yahooshua is NOT salvation NOR is he saviour – he was the offering of the lamb without spot or blemish that was necessary to provide us with an offering for sin in order to comply with the Torah {laws} of Moshe {Moses} and institute a NEW priesthood.
Yahooshua became king of all human kings and lord of all human lords through his OBEDIENCE.
There is further information, particularly on the http://www.etimin.org/ website, where I explain from a variety of perspectives why it is impossible for Yahooshua to be deity.
Furthermore, IF Yahooshua WERE Yah in the flesh we would have no hope, he could not have died and his resurrection means nothing, added to which Yahooshua would be a fraud.
No, Yahooshua was a man, just like you and I, he was born of a virgin, a miracle much LESS than the creation of Adam or Chavah {Eve} and he was resurrected because he lived a life without sin.
When he was immersed {baptised} by Yahoochanan {John} the Spirit of Yah came upon him and it was Yah IN Yahooshua who performed the miracles – Yah is willing and able to come on every believer in the same way IF we are prepared to sanctify ourselves and set ourselves apart to serve Yah and be filled with His Spirit – refer various articles on both websites but particularly on http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/ at the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011. You and I are ABLE to do GREATER works than Yahooshua if we will follow in his footsteps because his WAY of total set-apartness {sanctification} and obedience and being filled with the Spirit of Yah is the WAY of life.
He made it EASIER for us so we will be subject to a harsher judgment.
See also articles on important prayers, etc on the websites.
For this reason the concept of “the Trinity” is false and also blasphemous.
Believers who die with unconfessed sin in their lives will clearly burn for a part of time in the Lake of Fire or may be consumed completely depending on the magnitude of their sin.
Yahooshua was a man like you and I and could NOT have accomplished his goal if he had not been.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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