2011.09.04 Upcoming set-apart days Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Information about the set-apart days of Yah in the second half of the Julian year
Upcoming set-apart days
James Robertson
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I would like to remind you about the set-apart {holy} days that are coming up in the next month or so and encourage you to observe them strictly as high Sabbath's, days which should be devoted to the service of Yah and in which NO commercial or labouring activity of any sort should be done.
A Sabbath is a day on which NOTHING that could be done on another day (other than direct ministry) is done and this does NOT allow for making excuses because you are too busy or whatever. You should take leave from work on these days.
Note that in some cases there is uncertainty whether the day begins at sunset on the previous day and runs through to sunset the following day or whether these days begin at sunrise. I generally observe them from sunset the day BEFORE the date given below to sunrise the day after the date given below. The exception is the Day of Atonement which is expressly designated as being from sunset the day before the date below to sunset on the date below.
Note also that there are different opinions regarding the exact dates, the dates that follow are based on the calendar that I sent to the list early in the year which I believe to be the most reliable.
In this, as in all matters, I encourage you to go before Yah and seek His guidance.
The upcoming set-apart days are:
The Feast of Trumpets (Hebrew Yom Teruah) – Thursday 29 September 2011 – we are commanded to sound the Shofar (trumpet made from a Ram's horn) – I have Shofar's made from Kudu horns, it is a time of rejoicing and claiming victory.
Note that this is NOT the first day of Yah's year as some believe, this is the MIDDLE of Yah's year.
The New Moon is Wednesday 28 September and is also a time of feasting and rejoicing so this is a special New Moon because it ties in with the Feast of Trumpets.
The Day of Atonement (Hebrew -- Yom Kippur) – Saturday 8 October 2011 – observe from sunset the day before to sunset on the day – a TOTAL FAST – we should not eat or drink anything although I generally take a SMALL piece of bread and a small amount of grape juice and rehearse the covenant made by Yahooshua at the start and end of the 24 hours and in the morning.
If health-wise you cannot fast totally then I suggest only water in limited quantities or a slightly bigger covenant meal, three times during the 24 hours if necessary but a total fast is prescribed.
This is the most set-apart day in Yah's calendar, it is a time for introspection, examining ourselves, remembering Yahooshua's atoning sacrifice / offering, dealing with our sins, etc. It is a solemn and sober day.
The First day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Hebrew – Sukkot) – Thursday 13 October 2011 – this is a day of rejoicing and feasting – this is the day that Yahooshua {Jesus} was born.
The Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles – Thursday 20 October 2011 – the day that Yahooshua was circumcised – also a day of rejoicing and feasting.
We should remember the Feast of Tabernacles from the first day to the Great (eighth) Day as the time that the Hebrew's were commanded to remember their sojourning in the wilderness and Yah's supernatural provision for them.
Yah plans events around His set-apart days and therefore it is important to be aware of them and observe them.
Also a reminder that Christmas and Easter are totally out as celebrations or sabbaths, they are both pagan feasts that are abominations in the sight of Yah.
IF you have a need for an annual party and giving of gifts then the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles is the most appropriate day for this.
If you have not previously observed these days I encourage you as an act of loving submission to our loving heavenly Father to do so this year and every year thereafter for the rest of your life.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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