2010.01.01 Important truths relating to the matters of Yah the eternally self-existing Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM Over the years Father Yah {the LORD, God} has led me to understand many important truths.
This article summarizes the most important of these.
Some Important Truths
regarding the matters of the Creator
and life in general
James Robertson
One of the major reasons there is division in the body of believers is that we are constantly fighting over the things we cannot agree on rather than working with the things we can agree on. We all have error, focusing on each other's error is not helpful, we should rather focus on the truth that they have and learn from them.
If in reading the following passages you become aware of sin you were not previously aware of or convicted of sin that you have been trying to ignore, remember 1 John 1:8-10 "8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. " NKJV
In such cases go before our Heavenly Father with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, repent of your sin, ask for forgiveness in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} and received forgiveness. Thereafter you may need to take corrective action to prevent recurrence or deal the consequences of your sin. This may include going to people you have wronged confessing and asking for forgiveness, making restitution (repaying losses you have caused), reinstating a wrongly divorced woman or man, etc. There is much that can be written about this.
Please be very conscious that if you continue in sin after you have been clearly shown that it is sin and do so wilfully and knowingly, particularly with a rebellious attitude, a point will come where there is no further opportunity for forgiveness and you will then lose all hope of salvation and be guaranteed to burn in the lake of fire for eternity -- read Hebrews 6 and 10 in particular.
We will all be judged, either in this life or the life to come. It is HIGHLY preferable to be judged in this life rather than face time or eternity in the lake of fire in the life to come. If things go wrong in your life, whether premature death of a loved one, a serious disease, a car accident, dropping a glass and breaking it or stubbing your toe, ALL of those are judgments from the Court of Heaven enforced by the forces of darkness. Yah the eternally self existing {or Yahooeh or Yahweh, the true name of the one frequently referred to as the LORD, God, Allah, Creator, Heavenly Father}, the Almighty Creator, is the judge, Yahooshua {Jesus} is our advocate and Satan or in his absence other senior fallen messengers {angels} are the prosecutor / accuser and bring the charges. The more you seek to draw close to the Almighty the more attention the forces of darkness will give to you and wherever possible they will seek a conviction.
If you are a new believer through the covenant of Yahooshua {Jesus} there IS grace but if you are mature all grace has been withdrawn, this was necessary in order for Satan to be convicted and sentenced to a thousand years in the Pit a few years ago (2003).
Accordingly, whenever anything goes wrong in your life, no matter how small, you should immediately turn to our Father, ask Him to show you what your sin is (remember that sin is "missing the mark") repent, turn around (that is what repent means) and go in the right direction.
If you are truly committed to serving the Almighty and reaching Heaven for eternity, some important prayers include:
"Father, please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, in the name of Yahooshua".
"Father, help me to lead a life that is pleasing to you, in the name of Yahooshua".
"Father, please bring the people you want into my life and take those you do not want in my life out, open the doors you want opened in my life and close the doors you want closed in the name of Yahooshua".
"Father, judge me severely and correctly me harshly that i may serve you more perfectly in the name of Yahooshua".
We can supply a document containing other useful prayers.
In simple terms covenant is an unbreakable blood oath.
Without blood there can be no covenant.
Many years ago covenant was "cut" by slaughtering an animal, cutting it into two halves along the backbone and the covenant parties walking in the blood between the two halves of the animal reciting the terms of the covenant as Yah the eternally self existing did with Abraham.
Simply a covenant says -- "we agree to such and such and if either party breaks the covenant they will die".
Believers through the covenant of Yahooshua rejoice in the “new and better covenant made through Yahooshua”, they lose sight of the fact that if they break the covenant they will die.
Thus, when a man consummates with a woman who is a virgin, the woman's sexual organ represents symbolically the covenant wound and the blood that flows from the ruptured hymen is the blood of the covenant. Without saying a word when the sexual act is performed the terms of Yah's design covenant come into effect: "this man and woman are joined together for eternity and if either breaks the covenant they will die". Death comes in this life at times but more importantly in the life to come. This is why divorce is an extreme act only permissible under certain extreme conditions where one party has broken covenant to such an extent that repentance is no longer possible.
Most people today are living in adultery and will die for eternity if they do not correct the situation.
A woman can only cut covenant with one man, a man can cut covenant with more than one woman. That is the way mankind was designed from the beginning. If you believe in monogamy then you may only have one sexual partner in your life.
To the best of our knowledge there is only one time in recorded history when the Almighty, our Heavenly Father, our Creator, Yah the eternally self existing, spoke to millions of people and recorded His ten essential commandments in stone. The Ark of the Covenant containing these commandments has been found, as has the real Mount Sinai with the top of the mountain burned with fire, refer to the books, DVD's and other material we distribute.
These ten commandments are the MOST IMPORTANT laws in the whole of creation and it is vital that we FULLY understand these commandments and live by them.
They will form the basis of the final judgment and those of us who have had a relationship with the Almighty and access to writings in the book {bible meaning “book” as in the Greek “biblios” which means “book”} and elsewhere about Him will be judged most severely if we are found to have broken these commandments.
At this time the body of believers {church} is breaking most if not all of the ten commandments as a consequence of corruption of the faith that has taken place over the years, traditions of the elders, mistranslation, pagan influence, etc, we provide documentation on many aspects of these errors and how to correct them. A few of the most important these factors are set out below:
The true name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, our Father in Heaven, is "Yah the eternally self existing" frequently transliterated as "Yahweh" or more accurately "Yahooeh", while today He is frequently referred to as "The LORD", this is in fact a totally inaccurate translation and is, in fact, a corruption of "Baal" (a pagan mighty one or god) and is NOT pleasing to Him at all. If we love Him we will call Him by His correct name which is "Yah" or "Yahooeh" or "Yah the eternally self existing".
In the same way, He is "the Almighty" which is a reasonably accurate translation of "Elohim" in the Hebrew which means "mighty one" or "almighty" depending on context. This word is traditionally translated "God" which is a pagan idolatrous title which is offensive to our Father and as an act of love all are urged to refer to Him rather as "The Almighty", or "The Creator" or "our Father in Heaven" or similar rather than "God".
"God" is also used to represent "mighty one" being both the Almighty AND other mighty one's, thus the president of a country is in Hebrew "elohim" that is in terms of current tradition, the president is a "god", accordingly it is important that we use correct languaging. Satan is also a god (mighty one)!
For example, in order to understand the first commandment we should translate it as "Yah the eternally self existing is one mighty one, you shall have no other mighty one's beside Him" which makes much more sense and is much less ambiguous than the traditional translation. The traditional form allows us to mistakenly accept all sorts of traditions that are not helpful and are hurtful and often offensive to our Father in Heaven.
Likewise, the third commandment is "You shall not take the name of Yah the eternally self existing your Mighty One in vain", this is much more meaningful than the traditional translation. In terms of the correct translation you will immediately understand that the name of a widely used email service provider and web portal Yxxoo.com is a blasphemous name and if you love our Father in Heaven you will immediately take steps to change your email address if you are using that provider and advise all friends who are using that address to cease using it as well.
Any word that sounds like Yah is taking the name of Yah in vain, so the use of “ja” in Afrikaans and other languages should be avoided as should halleluyah (praise Yah) except in reverent praise of the Creator.
Yahooshua = YAH IS SALVATION NOT Jesus
The name of the man widely known as "Jesus" is in fact "Yahooshua" which means "Yah is salvation" and is widely translated "Joshua" in the books in the bible before the time of Yahooshua. Jesus is a pagan idolatrous name derived from the mythical god "Zeus" and it is not pleasing to Yahooshua to be called by a name derived from a pagan root.
Yahooshua IS the name above ALL names because there is nothing higher than the salvation of Yah. There is NO WAY to the Father i.e. Yah except through the Salvation of Yah i.e. Yahooshua.
If we truly love Yahooshua we will call him by his true name.
“Christ” is a meaningless religious word which variously means "anointing of the Spirit of Yah", or "anointed of Yah" or "anointed by the Spirit of Yah". Phrases containing “Christ” should be correctly translated as:
► "Jesus Christ" should be translated "Yahooshua the anointed of Yah";
► "Christ Jesus" should be translated as "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua";
► and "Christ" on should, depending on context, be translated either as:
– "the anointed one" which equals Yahooshua at times
– it can mean "anointed of Yah" and refer to any set apart spirit {holy spirit} filled believer.
So, while the anointing sometimes refers to the anointing upon Yahooshua in other cases it refers to others, for example, King David was a "christ", that is an anointed one, as was Moses, as are you IF you believe in Yah the eternally self existing and have received an impartation (anointing) of His Spirit.
Again, if we love the Almighty and Yahooshua we will use "anointing of the Spirit of Yah" / "anointed of Yah".
Reference to most Greek dictionaries and particularly Vine's Dictionary evidence that Yahooshua died on a stake -- a length of tree trunk place in a socket in the rock -- he could just as well have been nailed to the trunk of a living tree.
The cross is a form of Ankh used in the worship of the sun god. The Ankh represents a woman with her vagina open and legs spread above a penis. It is a horrible insult to Yahooshua to refer to him dying on a cross.
There are many other words in modern English bible transations and general usage like those above that are based on tradition and result from the compromises made by Christianity (i.e. believers) in the first six hundred years after Yahooshua in order to deal with persecution by the Yahoodites (Jews) and Romans and other pagans and out of deliberate intent to break ties with the Hebrew roots of the belief today called Christian.
These compromises have corrupted the pure faith in Yah through the covenant sacrifice of Yahooshua and resulted in many errors which cloud our understanding of the simple truths of the Almighty today. Many of these errors are leading people into harsh judgment.
Our goal is to assist where we can to restore these lost truths.
Fundamentally, we all have the opportunity by faith to work toward a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity by overcoming to the end but we may also find ourselves burning in the lake of fire for eternity -- see Revelation 21:8.
We may also make it to heaven but find ourselves in the “outer darkness”.
Salvation is only determined on the Day of Judgement, NOT by a decision or prayer that you pray in this life. All such a prayer achieves is that it opens the door for us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. eMail us for a detailed document on this subject (Where will YOU Spend Eternity?).
Yahooshua IS NOT YAH
From the above it will be apparent that since Yahooshua's name is NOT Yah, he CANNOT be Yah, Yahooshua IS a god, that is mighty one but he is NOT the Almighty, it is the Spirit of Yah ON Yahooshua that made it appear as though he was the Almighty because the Almighty was working through Yahooshua in a mighty way. That SAME power is available to everyone who believes, remember that Yahooshua said we could do GREATER works than he did.
Yahooshua is a created being, a son of Adam, a man. We have a serious problem if he is not a man because ONLY a son of Adam had the authority to do what Yahooshua did. There is a detailed explanation of how Yahooshua accomplished all that he accomplished and nearly all of these items require that he was fully a human being.
All human beings and messengers {angels} are “sons of Yah” {sons of God}.
To summarize the ten commandments:
1. Yah is one, do not worship any other being, including Yahooshua.
2. No graven images or idols, includes NOT worshipping the bible, the cross, the denomination, etc. Yahooshua died on a stake NOT a cross, the cross is a pagan symbol.
3. Do not take the Name of Yah or Yahooeh in vain -- do not use Yah or Yahooeh or any derivative of those words for any other purpose but REVERENT i.e. fearful reference to the Almighty Creator -- includes websites, etc.
4. Remember the seventh day and keep it set apart -- the sabbath, that is Saturday, NOT Sunday, Sunday is a pagan day of worshipping the Sun.
Also observe the set apart days of Yah specifically:
► Passover;
► the Feast of Unleavened Bread;
► Pentecost;
► the Feast of Trumpets;
► the Day of Atonement;
► the Feast of Tabernacles
and do NOT observe Christmas and Easter and other pagan feasts which are hurtful to Yah and Yahooshua -- regarding Christmas, Yah says, "how would you like it if your family observed your birthday on the birthday of your worst enemy?" -- Yahooshua was born on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
5. Honour your father and mother and it will go well with you -- includes taking proper care of them in old age, not speaking ill of them, etc.
6. Do not commit adultery -- a major problem -- Yah created women to be virgins, the act of taking a woman's virginity is an IRREVERSIBLE BLOOD COVENANT act associated with the shedding of blood, a man and woman are joined forever as a consequence of this act except under very specific circumstances judged ONLY by the Almighty in the Court of Heaven.
Divorce is only permitted under certain specific circumstances and is NOT lightly granted. Everything else is adultery and will lead to a part or eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone on the Day of Judgment.
By extension, Yah designed us so that a man could enter into life time blood covenant with more than one woman by taking the virginity of more than one woman.
The majority of men are NOT living with any or all the women whose virginity they have taken and the majority of women are NOT living with the man who took their virginity. Most people are in adultery. There ARE prayers that can be prayed to clean up SOME but not all such situations.
7. Do not commit murder -- Yah lays down clear instructions that murderers should be put to death and so any support for abolition of the death penalty makes one an offender against this commandment and guilty as a partner in any murder committed by a person who is not put to death after they have murdered once. Swearing and cursing also break this commandment.
Abortion is also murder FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION so birth control devices that prevent implantation also cause murder. At conception a spirit is allocated to the fertilized egg and it becomes a human being.
8. Do not steal -- taking anything under false pretenses is stealing, includes demanding offerings and tithes if one is not walking in an acceptable level of truth before the Almighty, includes not paying taxes, under quoting deliberately, etc..
9. Do not bear false witness (or lie or joke falsely) -- includes lies, includes jokes that are lies, includes false doctrines including all the lies that are commonly taught by the church today including but not limited to those dealt with in this document. Revelation 21:8 says that ALL liars will have a part in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death.
10. Do not covet -- includes lusting after men or women, pornography, lusting after goods and finances, most advertising breaks this commandment or seeks to get readers or viewers to break this commandment. Prosperity teaching that encourages believers to lust after possessions at the expense of seeking set apartness {holiness} and service to the Almighty breaks this commandment.
Yahooshua is the first being that the Almighty created and took part in the entire creation process. When he came to earth he was born of a virgin in a miracle that is LESS dramatic than the miracle of creating Adam from dust, he was born of a virgin so he was free of bloodline curses. He had to be 100% human, a son of Adam, in order to have any authority on earth because the Almighty gave all authority on earth to Adam and Adam gave that authority to Satan.
By living a life without sin Yahooshua regained authority over Satan and death had no hold on him so when he was put to death he was automatically resurrected and became the firstborn from the dead and therefore King of all human Kings and adonai {lord} of all human lords. His resurrection was a matter of legal compliance and not some miraculous ability of Yahooshua.
Yahooshua became the lamb of the Almighty by prophetic assignment by Yahoochanan {John} [Yah has graced] the immerser {baptist} and then assigned the body and blood of the lamb to the bread and the wine thereby enabling us to perform ALL the rites laid down by Moses [Moshe] for cleansing without intervention by human beings other than ourselves.
Yahooshua was proclaimed king by Herod and by Pontius Pilate on behalf of the Emperor and by the masses and priests who beat him.
The children of Israel and others and their descendants were cleansed by the blood of the sacrifice when they declared "his blood be upon us and upon our children".
His offering became the offering for atonement and for induction of himself as the new high priest when the blood and water from his heart, ruptured through his suffering and released by the spear in his side, ran down the stake, down the earthquake crack at the foot of the stake and onto the lid of the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant hidden in a cave beneath the execution site (refer book and DVD“The Ark of the Covenant”, available from us).
There is much more that can be written about Yahooshua.
We are in the first years of the seventh millennium since creation. Satan was cast into the Pit in 2003. The Almighty Father is resting.
Yahooshua is seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool.
We have spent six thousand years learning all there is to learn about evil and this generation is the most evil generation that has ever lived. We are required to reign with the anointing of the set apart Spirit of Yah for the next one thousand years following the way (pattern) that Yahooshua, Moshe {Moses} and many others have given us and to restore ALL truth.
The mark of the beast is in full force in the world today. It is NOT a physical item such as a micro-chip, it is a spiritual mark that relates to breaking the ten commandments in ones thoughts or in ones contracting and writing. If one is breaking ANY of the commandments one will have the mark, whether in thought, word or deed and particularly in contracts you enter into (your right hand). If you do not have this mark and are strenuously seeking to be set apart and serve the Almighty to the point of seeking to uphold all ten of the commandments the forces of darkness will oppose you in every possible way thereby using any sin in your life to prevent you from selling and therefore from buying.
In order to survive we will need to seek a level of righteousness and oneness with our Father that is way beyond anything we have imagined possible in the past. People who are prospering at present almost certainly have the mark of the beast at some level.
As mentioned above, the Beast of Revelation with blasphemous names is NOT a denomination or church group, or people group, or nation, or group of nations or anything physical, it is a spiritual state and the beast today is almost the ENTIRE Christian church including ALL denominations which are still using the words “the LORD”, “God”, “Jesus”, “Christ”, “cross” or worshipping the bible, blasphemous email addresses, dishonouring parents, not honouring virginity, enforcing monogamy at the expense of virginity, leaving single women without a covering, supporting abolition of the death penalty or abortion, swearing and cursing (“damn”,”bloody”, “God”, etc), giving and taking bribes, under quoting, misquoting, stealing in other ways, lying including ALL false doctrines, jokes, etc, lusting and coveting, etc.
The spiritual regime that is currently prevailing is FAR removed from what we have been taught.
Islam meaning “the way of life of one who serves Allah”, Allah being equivalent to the Aramaic "Ellah" and the Hebrew "Elohim" which is widely applied to the Almighty as an alternative to His true name Yah or Yah the eternally self existing, IS a faith in the Almighty Creator Yah.
As with Christianity, there are some who have a personal relationship with Yah and others who do not and who therefore are serving Satan.
Islam flows from the prophet Muhammed who was a prophet of Yah sent to bring correction after both the Hebrews and the followers of Yahooshua had apostatized to such an extent that Yah could no longer work through them.
In particular, by 600 AD when Muhammed was sent, the "Christians" had turned so far from true worship of Yah using pagan and false names, changed the Sabbath to Sunday, institutionalized monogamy and many other sins, Yah was no longer able to work through the children of Israel {Jacob} (the Christians and the Jews) and therefore turned to His covenant with Ishmael the first son of Abraham.
The Christians and the Jews were also worshipping the book {bible} as the “inerrant word of God” and using corrupt texts.
The ongoing wars between Islam and Christianity are therefore wars between the two sons of Abraham. At present Islam is more righteous that Christianity and Christianity is the offender in the current wars in the Middle East.
Because the covenant through Israel did NOT include the sons of Ishmael, Muhammed had to bring a message of salvation through works and particularly to tell the Christians they were in error for worshipping Yahooshua and the book and to tell the Jews they were in error for worshiping the book.
In order to bring knowledge of the covenant through Yahooshua to the Muslims they must first be accepted as believers in Yah and then be shown that Yahooshua's covenant is available to them.
A similar approach is required with the Yahoodites {Jews}.
Yahooshua also said that he had sheep of other sheepfolds. There is documentation supporting the appearance of Yahooshua to South American people in Central Americal who are allegedly Hebrews in exile and there is reason to believe that Yahooshua may have appeared to others around the world. Thus one must be careful about rejecting the mighty ones of other cultures because in some cases they may also be worshipping Yah or honouring Yahooshua.
Isaiah 4 verse one makes it clear that in this age there will be seven times as many women as men in the body of true believers, the remnant. Casual observation at assemblies around the world will confirm that the more highly anointed the ministry the more women there are than men. I have personally observed as many as ten times as many women as men regularly attending an anointed assembly.
The implication is that women who are truly committed to Yah and are crying out for a believing man who is as committed or more committed and as mature or more mature in the things of Yah are either NOT going to find that man or are going to find themselves faced with the prospect of sharing that man with other women.
In considering this statement it is vital to understand that the thing we know as marriage is actually "sexual intercourse with a virgin, widow or truly divorced woman". Once we understand this then the verse that refers to "forbidding to marry" and calls it a "doctrine of demons" becomes clear. Monogamy forbids men to have sexual intercourse (i.e. marry) truly single women and it is therefore apparent that monogamy is the "doctrine of demons" that is being referred to.
Contact us for a detailed book of over 200 pages that analyses this in great detail or download it off our website.
All the above are challenging, please email us for more information, there is much more that can be said.
We distribute the full range of material from Jonathan Gray's ministry relating to archaeological finds that validate and elaborate on the early history of mankind and our interaction with the Almighty.
This material includes the finding of Noah's Ark, the Red Sea crossing site with chariot parts and skeletons on the floor of the Red Sea, Sodom and Gomorrah burned by fire and brimstone, the Ark of the Covenant, evidence of Joseph in Egypt, evidence that the children of Adam (humans) were originally of great stature, great intellect, great technical ability, in other words, truly in the likeness and image of the Almighty, detailed evidence of a global flood and much else of critical interest to all who believe in a Creator no matter what your persuasion or if you are questioning the existence of the Creator or whether the records in the history book commonly referred to as the “bible” are reliable -- email us for a catalogue.
It is important to note that there is solid evidence of judgment in the flood, the drowning of the Egyptian army, Soddom and Gomorrah and the Ark of the Covenant.
We also publish a wide range of articles and eBooks on matters relating to End Time Events, biblical interpretation, etc -- where are we now?; where are we going?; what do YOU need to know before Yahooshua returns and before the Day of Judgment -- email us for a list
We publish periodic email comment and teaching -- email us to be placed on the mailing list
We are doing our best to seek out the truths of Yah {the true name of the one frequently referred to as the LORD, God, Allah, Creator, Heavenly Father} in this age and throughout history that relate to His ways, His Kingdom and His plans for the immediate and intermediate future -- in many respects we have found that the realities of the current age relating to these topics is far removed from what we have been taught -- please see notes below as a very brief indication of a hugely diverse range of topics.
If you have a truth that you would like to share please email us.
We look forward to being of service to you.

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