2011.02.05 Detailed marriage strategy Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
Pack of documents presenting the results of a comprehensive Spirit led analysis of the factors required for successful life in covenant union (marriage) of man and woman, also addresses family life and society
This analysis was undertaken late in 2001 at the leading of the Spirit of Yah as best I was able to follow His guidance at the time. In most areas my understanding has matured but the fundamental principles remain valid.
As with all things it is up to each one of us to seek Yah for guidance on what we adopt and what we discard
The analysis was undertaken in Excel, attached please find the detailed Marriage Strategy documents as an Adobe pdf file
Detailed marriage strategy
James Robertson
Download detailed marriage strategy document
In 1995 I had asked Father Yah why there was so much divorce in the body of believers.
In the years that followed He taught me much, including telling me to get divorced myself.
In 1997 / 98 having undertaken considerable research I had written the eBook “The Scriptural Definition of Marriage” .
In the middle of 2000 a series of events resulted in me separating myself from worldly activities and setting myself apart to serve Father with fasting and prayer.
In the latter half of 2000, during eight three day fasts at intervals of 10 days I tape recorded over fifty one and a half hour audio teachings on marriage.
Through all of 2001 I was separated and seeking Father, learning a huge amount, writing a large number of articles, spending considerable time in prayer and reading and generally growing and learning rapidly.
Late in 2001 I was impressed to undertake a strategic analysis of marriage using a suite of Excel Spreadsheets that I had developed for business use.
The result of this was a series of spreadsheets analyzing every aspect of marriage and the headings of family life and covenant based business.
These worksheets are presented in this document.
Father has impressed on me to make this more readily available and stressed that notwithstanding what I have learned in the intervening period “this is a VERY important document”.
James Robertson
11 January 2014

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