2011.03.02 Yes --> Ja --> Yah --> breaking the Third Commandment Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Does the word Ja or Jawohl have spiritual significance, are there reasons not to use those words?
Yes --> Ja --> Yah --> breaking the Third Commandment
James Robertson
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At various times in recent years I have noted the similarity of the pronunciation of the Afrikaans word "ja" meaning "yes" and the essential name of the Almighty being "Yah" and also noted the similarity with "jawohl" in German.
In South Africa at least it is common for English speakers to use "ja" for "yes".
In the last few days I have become intensely sensitised to my use of "ja" and have started repenting and asking Father for forgiveness every time I do it and asking Him to help me to cease using His name in vain.
I am now convinced that the use of words that sound like "Yah" in everyday speech should be avoided.
In Afrikaans one can say "dis reg", "ek stem saam", etc and in English we simply have to revert to the correct English word -- "yes".
The third commandment is clear "do not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain" – the Hebew word that translates as "Yah the eternally-self existing" is Yahweh or, more correctly, Yahooeh so any word that is spelt like or sounds like Yah or Yahooeh or Yahweh is breaking this commandment.
This includes "ja" and it also includes "yahoo", including "yahoo.com" the web portal and email service as I have raised several times in the last few months.
It is important to note that this issue will potentially send you to the lake of fire and brimstone for at least part of eternity.
It seems that Satan has devised a very clever plan over thousands of years to trip up sincere believers and others.
Firstly he made the Jews so cautious about breaking the third commandment that they progressively stopped using the name of Yah at all – substituting Elohym (Almighty), Adonai (Lord), Hashem (the Name), G_d (God) and "the Tetragrammaton" (four Hebrew letters equivalent to YHWH that spell Yahweh or Yahooeh).
They even removed the name Yahooeh from the texts {bible passages} in some case and replaced it with Elohym and documented that they had done this.
They also placed vowel points on YHWH to remind readers to say "Adonai" {the LORD} instead of Fathers true name.
Yah says that many more substitutions took place but were not recorded and so in many places Elohym was substituted for Yah or Yahooeh.
The early English translators and even most modern bible translators have retained these conventions and so we find "the LORD" instead of Yah and Yahooeh and "God" instead of Elohym.
This has been such a successful device that the vast majority of people think that the name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth IS God or the LORD and they do not even recognize Yah, Yahooeh or Yahweh as being His name when they see it, such as in the case of www.Yahoo.com
The net effect is that almost no one knows the true name and millions and possibly billions use the true name in everyday speech, email services, etc not knowing that every time they do this a black mark is being recorded against their name by the messenger {Angel} who monitors all that they say and records it.
A huge number of people will come to the Day of Judgment and find that they are sentenced to part or all of eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for breaking the third commandment.
They will weep and wail and plead for mercy but sin is sin whether we know it is sin or not and, as you may have noted from what has been published on this list in the past, the vast majority of people are breaking all ten of the ten commandments because they do not even know the correct interpretation and application of those commandments or even their true meaning.
I am firmly convinced that we should cease using "ja", "yahoo" and other words that are spelt like or sound like the true name of Father Yah except when we are referring respectfully to Him.
I am convinced that Satan has devised an extremely clever ploy in order to get huge numbers of people to sin and end up spending at least a part of eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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