2010.11.03 Receiving from the Almighty Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM Some phrases from worship music that seem particularly important
Receiving from the Almighty
James Robertson
Yesterday, while worshipping i was impressed to select a particular sequence of tracks on the CD i was listening to which is a collection of what i consider to be the most powerful worship songs that i have in my collection.
I was also impressed to note down key phrases from each track.
The context of the worship is that i was on the second day of the second fast of a series of seven three day total fasts which i feel the Almighty has impressed on me to embark on with regard to a very difficult situation in my personal life, getting free from some stuff that has held me in bondage and preparing for new ministry activities in 2011.
It seems to me that the message that these phrases give is relevant to others apart from myself and i have therefore taken the liberty of posting them to you as well.
3. Yah (the true name of the Almighty) can see the way
5. Yahooeh (Yah the eternally self existing) Yireh my provider
7. I know Your favour
11. Worship Yah on high, there is no one like Yah
15. Exalt Yahooeh our El (Mighty One) and worship at His feet
17. Yahooeh release your power and let your presence fall
I hope this blesses you as it blessed me.
Please note:
Yah is the true name of the Almighty and it blesses Him when we call Him by His true name
Yahooeh (or Yahweh) means Yah the eternally self existing and is the designation most frequently applied to Yah in the bible
Yireh is a Hebrew word meaning provider
Warm regards and blessing

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