2011.04.19 The components of the battleground Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM This article follows on from the article "What is really happening" and discusses the different spiritual components of the forces that are engaged in the spiritual battle for supremacy on earth
The components of the battleground
Following on from "what is really happening"
James Robertson
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The previous article used parables to seek to make visible the different spiritual activities that go on in the world around us.
This article seeks to classify those activities into major categories.
1. The return of Yahooshua and the Day of Judgement
The fundamental context to all of this is the return of Yahooshua {Jesus}.
Yahooshua is currently seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool.
He will ONLY return IF his enemies have been made his footstool.
IF he does return he will return in order to separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats for the Day of Judgment.
He is dependent on human beings who have all authority on earth to prepare the way for his return and have victory over the forces of darkness.
If his enemies are never made his footstool he will NEVER return.
There are approximately 1,000 years until he returns, probably 3003 about May.
Satan has been in the Pit since May 2003 and his Lieutenants are running the forces of darkness in his absence and with some major conflicts.
Satan's forces are going all out to destroy all believers on earth and get them all into bondage to Satan, as in the example outlined in the previous article.
2. The human adversaries – witches, Satanists, secret societies
In the forefront of the battle, as stated in a recent article, are the anointed ones serving Yah and the illuminated ones serving Satan with approximately 5,000 on each side fighting most of the battle with another 95,000 on each side having some impact.
On Yah's side many are out of the mainstream church, Yah having called them out over the last ten to twenty years. Some are still in the mainstream church but they are falling away rapidly.
On Satan's side are Satanists, witches, Free Mason's and numerous other secret societies which are dedicated to serving Satan.
Rumours abound that many of these Illuminated ones, those controlled by demons, are in positions of high authority in the governments of the world, in police forces, major corporations, etc.
These are the people who are speaking out curses, manipulating people, offering human sacrifices, placing demons in strategic locations, etc, etc.
Different agents have different functions.
3. The real adversary – Satan, fallen messengers, his horde versus Yah
But the real battle is actually happening in the spirit realm.
We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against the powers, principalities, thrones and dominions of this dark age.
Satan has commanded these forces for the last 6,000 years until he was sentenced to a thousand years confinement in the Pit in May 2003, now his henchmen, the three messengers who reported directly to him are running the show.
These messengers coordinate the battle through the hierarchy of messengers that report in to them, one third of all the messengers created by Yah.
They are the real brains behind the battle and are the ones who have the full battle plan on Satan's side, for them the human beings are pawns even though they will eventually end up sharing power with them if they win the battle.
Facing off against Satan and his horde is Yah, Yahooshua and the Spirit of Yah in men. Yah is the brains behind the battle but he is constrained to operate through humans just as the forces of darkness are.
4. Our human error, deception and ignorance
One of the most important factors for the enemy is our human error, our deception and our ignorance as highlighted in the previous article.
Yah IS truth, we must seek ALL TRUTH if we are to draw close enough to Him for Him to operate through us and win the battle.
At this stage even most of those very close to Yah are in massive error – refer the article on the Mark of the Beast, this is why publishing and distributing truth is such an important activity right now.
Yah's people perish for lack of knowledge.
5. The tools -- words, beliefs, the Ten Commandments, curses, spells
In fighting the battle the words that are spoken by human beings are THE TOOLS.
Whether words of faith or fear.
Blessing or cursing.
Prayers in submission to Yah or spells.
We are informed and guided by the Ten Commandments which are the ultimate battle ground – those who can walk in victory and compliance with the Ten Commandments will overcome to the end, those that break some or all ten of the Commandments will ultimately succumb to the forces of darkness and join their side.
Ignorance of the Commandments and the interpretative laws (Torah) relating to the commandments is no excuse.
All liars will burn even if they did not know they believed lies.
Those who are most committed to Satan are mostly those who have lost all hope of Salvation and are therefore engaged in a last ditch stand to avoid the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for eternity.
6. The tools -- one flesh bonds, soul ties, etc
In addition to words the one flesh bond is one of the most powerful tools that can be used by both sides although the forces of Yah hardly understand this at all and hardly understand how to apply the one flesh bond let alone how to build a strong one flesh bond.
The houses of many intensely committed believers are falling.
7. Demons, Satan's allies and agents versus the set-apart Spirit of Yah – Yah in the sons of Adam
At the operational level the tactical aspect of the battle is being fought by the Spirit of Yah in the sons of Adam, the anointing of the Spirit of Yah on the anointed ones – hardly understood by any one, most so highly corrupt and contaminated that Yah can hardly bear to live in them at all.
On the other side are billions of demons that counterfeit the anointing and produce illumination in a very small number but which, as we saw in the previous article, are all over, every single believer today, even those that are highly anointed ones are carrying demons, under curses, etc.
Those that are anointed are, for the most part, not working in nearly as much power as those that are illuminated.
The anointed ones need to act strenuously to increase their anointing, their skill in applying the anointing and their levels of truth in the battle against the anti-anointing {the anti-Christ}.
8. What to do about it
Draw close to Yah.
Set aside ALL sin, cleanse the leaven from your life using the material you have received in recent months.
Seek set-apartness {holiness} whatever it costs you.
Fast and pray, three day total fasts (e.g Esther), twenty one day fruit and vegetable fasts (e.g. Daniel), forty day water only fasts e.g. Moshe and Yahooshua – claimed to be the only way you can prepare for ministry.
Seek truth not error, ask Yah to show you the level of your present deception and how to correct it.
Ask Yah to do what is necessary in your life to enable you to walk in the fullness of your anointing as He has purposed it for you.
Ask Yah to take the people out of your life that He wants out and bring those in that He wants in.
Ask Him to judge you severely and correct you harshly that you can serve Him more perfectly.
Ask Him to give you utterance in prayer.
Put on the whole armour of Yah, the belt of truth, the sure footed shoes of the good news of peace, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit which is His commandments and ask Him to teach you to pray in the Spirit at ALL times WITHOUT ceasing.
Speak out whatever Yah calls you to speak out, no matter how radical or off the wall it seems.
I encourage you to pull out all the stops and go ALL OUT to serve Yah (
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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