2012.07.04 Are YOU a Good and Faithful Servant? Created by James on 2/3/2014 4:30:30 AM An extension or corollary to the previous point is whether YOU will be found to be a Good and Faithful Servant on the Day of Judgment versus whether you will be burned in the fire to purify your contamination or whether you will be utterly destroyed.
This article touches on some important aspects of being found to be Good and Faithful.
Are YOU a Good and Faithful Servant?
James Robertson
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As an extension and perhaps corollary to the previous message I would like to ask YOU the question “are YOU a Good and Faithful Servant?”
A good and faithful servant is one who on the Day of Judgment will be WELCOMED before the Judgment Seat with the words “Well done thou good and faithful servant, come up higher” or words to that effect – contrasting harshly with “depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you”.
Yahooshua refers to both of these judgment outcomes and it is vital to notice that he spoke these words to BELIEVERS about the judgment that awaits BELIEVERS.
Unbelievers will be subject to a different judgment, it is the BELIEVERS who will be judged particularly severely and harshly and who face the prospect of burning for part of eternity in order to cleanse them of the consequences of their unconfessed sin (refiners fire) – Yahooshua’s offering {sacrifice} is only effective IF we repent and bring our sin before the Throne BEFORE we die – all unconfessed and unrecognized sin WILL result in judgment.
Conversely, the GOOD works we have done will result in a positive aspect to our judgment – harsh reality we are ALL likely to bring some good works and some bad works to the judgment seat UNLESS we are diligent in seeking out the bad works during our lives.
There is a catch to that – we are NOT competent to judge ourselves and are likely to sink into pride and error if we think we ARE competent.
Rather pray prayers such as “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly, help me to overcome to the end that I may be found to be a good and faithful servant and an overcomer, bring the people You want into my life and take the people you do not want in my life out, open the doors that you want opened in my life and close the doors that you want closed … etc”
Then be prepared to change, to respond to things that “go wrong”, to learn harsh lessons, etc and course correct, course correct, course correct.
The final result will be worth it, the possibility of a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity versus the outer darkness or destruction in the fire.
Being found to be a good and faithful servant is NOT difficult but it WILL take all the resolve and dedication you can muster for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!
The highest prize you can hope for in all of your life is to be found to be a “good and faithful servant” on the Day of Judgment – are you willing to pray the prayers and make the sacrifices that are required for this great prize?
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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