2011.04.13 Believing men in lack Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Those believers who are truly seeking to serve the Almighty are frequently in financial lack
Believing men in lack
James Robertson
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I continue to get emails from believing men who are really committed to serving Daddy Yah but who are in severe lack and who do not know where to turn. These are men who have a revelation of the true names, the Sabbaths, etc and yet are in lack.
On the face of it it does not make sense …
Does it?
Actually it makes perfect sense IF you have understood the previous message about the Mark of the Beast.
These men have almost certainly largely or entirely eliminated the Mark of the Beast in their lives and accordingly they are being obstructed from buying and selling by the demonic realm because they are refusing to bow to Satan.
In order to survive, let alone prosper, these men need to intensify their seeking after Yah, they need ministry to cut off curses, they need deliverance to get rid of demons that are affecting them, they need to fast and pray, at least one three day total fast per three months (not more total fasts to prevent kidney damage unless Yah clearly indicates this – remember I undertook seven three day fasts over seven weeks at the end of last year of which three were total apart from a small amount of bread and grape juice three times a day – if you are really desperate consider this), but ABOVE ALL, they need to resolve differences with their woman or women and get into intense harmony.
The power of a man and woman or man and women in perfect harmony is extremely great and has the ability to overcome this obstruction.
That requires that ALL one flesh bonds that exist outside of the current union are resolved, either by bringing back wrongfully divorced women and by seeking Yah with a broken spirit and a contrite heart to release them from all the other one flesh bonds discussed in the article on one flesh bonds.
This in turn requires that whatever division exists between the woman or women of the house and the man are fundamentally resolved – it is no use the woman fighting with the man because there is lack, the house WILL fall, it is a fundamental spiritual law.
It appears that many truly single women are receiving grace because they have taken Yah as their husband and are looking to Him to provide but I also know of single women who are battling financially.
This is a hugely challenging topic as it goes against current common teachings but it is fundamentally so.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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