2011.02.01 Words are critically important Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Loose use of language is a huge problem amongst believers and gives rise to many spiritual problems
Words are critically important
James Robertson
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For most of my life, for reasons I cannot explain, I have been reasonably careful with words.
Since returning to serve Yah in 1993 I have become VERY particular about words.
It is written that we will be judged for EVERY idle word (MattihYahu 12:36 {Matthew}).
A passage that is very important to my view of words is the following extracted from page 143 of The Final Quest by Rick Joyner, Yah speaking:
“So you must seek love first, and then faith. You cannot please Me without faith. But faith is not just the knowledge of My power, but the knowledge of My love and the power of My love. Faith must first be for love. Seek first to love more, and to do more with your love. Only when you seek faith to love can I trust you with my power. Faith works by love.
“My word is the power that upholds all things. To the degree that you believe that My word is true you can do all things. Those who really believe that My words are true will also be true to their own words. It is my nature to be true, and the creation trusts My word because I am faithful to it. Those who are like Me are also true to their own words.
Their word is sure and their commitments are trustworthy. Their ‘yes’ means ‘yes’ and their ‘no’ means ‘no’. If your own words are not true you will also begin to doubt My words, because deception is in your heart.
If you are not faithful to your own words it is because you do not really know Me. To have faith, you must be faithful. I have called you to walk by faith because I am faithful. It is My nature.
“That is why you will be judged because of the careless words that you speak. To be careless is to care less. Words have Power; and those careless with words cannot be trusted with the power of My word. It is wisdom to be careful with your words, and to keep them as I do Mine.”
The Final Quest by Rick Joyner, 1996, Whitaker House, 30 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068, ISBN 0-88368-478-0
Yahooshua became king, the lamb of Yah, etc through WORDS.
Yah spoke the world into existence through WORDS.
The bread and wine have their relevance and "power" as a consequence of words.
People are constantly looking for magic but are sloppy with their words – words give rise to much of the "magic" that people look for in the spirit realm.
The demonic and Satanic realm get much of their power through words.
Demons are cast out by words spoken by people who know their authority.
If you are sloppy with words and claim that Yah is important to you you need to CLEAN UP your words.
Many use words sloppily and then say "I was only joking" — have you taken note of what is written about this?
Proverbs 26:18-19 "18 Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death, 19 Is the man who deceives his neighbor, And says, "I was only joking!" NKJV
Just about all jokes are lies and it is written in Revelation 21:8 that ALL liars will have a place in the lake of fire which is the second death.
I encourage you to become more precise in your use of language.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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