2012.08.05 Malachi and Yahooshua -- Divorce -- REALLY? Created by James on 9/28/2013 7:51:34 AM There is a lot of mistaken belief regarding what Malachi and Yahooshua were preaching against when it came to putting-away {divorce} -- in fact they were preaching against the kind of serial monogamy which is the norm today.
Great care is required in selecting partners and considerable effort is required to make such unions work.
Malachi and Yahooshua – Divorce – REALLY?
James Robertson
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Returning to the subject of divorce, what in fact were Malachi and Yahooshua preaching against?
The brutal truth?
Serial monogamy such as is practised today!
Starting about the time of Malachi, there was an increasing tendency for men to choose to have only one woman because the cost of maintaining a household with several women was significant and also many women were no longer playing the active financial role in the home as held up as an example in Proverbs 31.
It had become fashionable to put-away {divorce} a woman for “any reason” whereas the only basis of putting-away, as discussed in a recent article, was covenant breaking or treachery.
Under such circumstances putting-away a loyal woman is, in fact, an act of huge spiritual violence to the man and the woman because it ruptures the full spectrum of spiritual bonds that come into existence through a sexual union between a man and a woman as discussed a month or so ago.
Today, divorce frequently occurs for the same reasons.
The fact is that monogamy requires a huge amount from both the man and the woman, there is no potential to bring in an additional woman to compensate for gaps in the family capabilities and a woman must be a super-woman and a man a super-man.
Of course this does not happen in practice and therefore monogamy puts huge demands on both parties which in turn causes tensions and strife which results in degradation of the relationship ending in divorce.
As far as I can see there is NO easy answer to this.
Plural union of one man and several woman is simply not practical in our society today, the women are too indoctrinated against it and the men do not know how to handle it, it is a disaster so monogamy or fornication are defacto the only two options other than singleness, which is what many women are finding is the most palatable option.
In order to enter into a successful monogamous union it is vital that both parties are VERY selective about who they consider and that there is comprehensive discussion of priorities, expectations, etc BEFORE consummation.
Casual sex is NOT an option if you are a man or woman who fears Yah.
The true form of putting-away {divorce} that Malachi and Yahooshua preached against was serial monogamy as an alternative to a man covenanting with a number of women.
Monogamy is the only form of union open to men and women today and it should be entered into carefully and prayerfully BEFORE consummation.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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