2011.04.04 How many times have you snubbed Daddy Yah today? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM How much do you care for your Father in Heaven?
How many times have you snubbed Daddy Yah today?
James Robertson
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Some weeks ago I started to become aware of the frequency with which I snub Daddy Yah.
I am talking to Him as I do something and the phone rings or an sms comes in and, instead of saying something like "Father, please excuse me", I stop in mid-sentence and take the phone call or respond to the sms
Or I am worshiping, whether in the car or a set apart time and something happens in similar vein
Or my thoughts just go off at a tangent
Or ...
It struck me that if I did that to a client or, in fact, to any human being, they would be insulted and offended -- with just cause
Yet our Daddy is just expected to take it because, if the truth be told, most of us treat Him that way most of the time
So, my challenge for you today is to notice if you are doing similar things and then, if you are, to adjust your behaviour to show Him greater courtesy
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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