2011.05.02 Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer) Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM What we take as miraculous today was common place thousands of years ago
Why Yah could do much greater works
thousands of years ago
(level of anointing and level of prayer)
James Robertson
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Have you ever wondered why Yah does not perform the sort of mighty works He performed in the time of Noah, of Abraham, of Moses, of EliYah, of Yahooshua – the flood, fire and brimstone from heaven, the parting of the Red Sea, fire from heaven on a smaller scale, storm calmed, continuous stream of highly visible miracle healings, etc?
One thing to notice in the above examples is that the scale and dramatic scope of events became less with the passage of time and has continued to become less to the present age.
Why is this?
The level of relationship of the believers with Yah of those closest to Yah has declined continuously over this period;
The level of anointing of the most anointed believers on earth has declined to the point where today Yah says that the most powerfully anointed person on earth today is operating under half the anointing that Yahooshua operated under;
The level of authority of the most senior members of Yah's family on earth has also declined in proportion to the above;
The number of highly anointed one's has declined;
The level of prayer and the nature of prayer has declined;
Satan's forces on earth have become much more knowledgeable in direct proportion to the extent to which those who believe have become increasingly ignorant of the matters of Yah and deviated from truth;
Satan's forces on earth have become proportionately more powerful and numerous in proportion to the degradation in power and number of the believers – almost the entire Christian church is in fact serving Satan through the wrong names, wrong sabbath, etc, etc – the issues that have been discussed previously on this list.
We have reached a point where for anything really visibly dramatic to happen on Yah's behalf on earth there needs to be a large group of believers in perfect harmony and agreement and at present it is a challenge to get even two who are anointed and committed to agree let alone pray in harmony.
Yah is MASSIVELY HAMPERED by the weakness and lackluster conduct of those of us who claim at some level to have a relationship with Him. Added to which, if He did want to do something most would argue that it was not in the bible and therefore would not listen to Him.
Have you ever wondered what Noah did without the bible?
There was NO biblical precedent therefore according to most believers today it could not have been Yah who brought the flood. In fact, Noah would probably be kicked out of just about every church on the planet today if he came warning of coming judgment.
The same can be said of Abraham, Moses, EliYah, Yahooshua – they would all be kicked out of the modern church for failing to submit to the Pastor and teaching doctrines that were not in the bible of their time – in fact, that is basically why Yahooshua was executed – he was doing things that were contrary to the teachings of the Scribes and Pharisees – read "Pastor and church council".
If you have not been kicked out of a church recently you need to ask yourself what you are doing to cosy up to the devil!
So, the bottom line, for Satan to be sent to the Pit, somebody had to do something that was not set out in the bible – if it were set out in the bible in detail Satan would have prevented it from happening, but it happened quietly and without fanfare.
Likewise, Yahooshua will not return in response to wide publicity as keeps happening at present, he said he would come as a thief in the night, NOT appearing to people all over the place telling them he is coming soon and is going to take them away from all this suffering, etc.
What are YOU going to do differently going forward in order to challenge the status quo (Satan in the church) and make a difference on earth for Yah? -- try praying those prayers I sent you a few days ago every day and doing all the things in the article 2011.03.08 How do I get to a MUCH closer relationship with Yah?
Please think about this and pray about this, it is vital to understand this if you are to overcome in this age and to make a difference in your service of Yah.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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