2011.01.04a Is our pronunciation of a very important name correct? Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
Gerry Easton
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N.B. Some Computers reverse the order of the Hebrew letters so I will place them in the right order from right to left and incorrectly from left to right. To illustrate, the Messiah’s Name below should start with the smallest letter the י on the right of the name.
יהושע Our Messiah’s name in Hebrew Strong’s no 3091
יהו The first part is not in question - YAHU
We can revert to the Hebrew Scriptures and allow the Ruach Ha Qodesh [The Spirit of Separation] to guide us, or should we continue with that which we have grown accustomed to?
Let us begin by checking the correct Hebrew names of two prophets, Isaiah and Elisha.
ישעיהו YESHAYAHU Strong’s no 3470 – “Yah has saved”
ישע YESHA Strong’s no 3468 – “Salvation, deliverance” עשי
שע Remove the י and we have – SHA
אלישע ELIYSHA Strong’s no 477 - “El of deliverance”
Therefore from the Hebrew we have יהושע = YAHUSHA
We have been ending His Name with SHUA. How is this written in Hebrew and does it have a meaning?
שוע SHUA Strong’s no 7768 – “Cry for help”
עוש Strong’s no 7769 – “Cry, riches”
Strong’s no 7770 – “A Canaanite”
For confirmation of this, let us look up a Hebrew name ending in SHUA and find the meaning of that name.
אלישוע ELIYSHUA Strong’s no 474 - “EL of riches”
To get to the pronunciation YAHUSHUA we would have to insert a ו between the
ש and the ע and spell His Name in Hebrew יהושוע with two ו’s.
This Name would then mean YAH’s cry for help, or YAH’s riches or YAH’s Canaanite.
Our Heavenly Father is indeed patient and forgiving and may He continue to lead us on in truth as promised in Yochanan [John] 14: 26.
Let us now examine Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance in the Hebrew section under the reference number 3091.
We will find the name written in two ways, one containing the second ו and both exhibiting vowel points. With the vowel pointing the commentary is as follows:-
יהושוע Yehowshuwa
יהושע Yehowshua
Let us first deal with the vowel pointing and this is referred to as the Massorite text.
The Companion Bible containing commentaries and tremendous research by E.W Bullinger has an appendixes 30 – 32 covering “The Massorah”, “The Fifteen extraordinary points of the Sopherim” and “The 134 passages where the Sopherim altered to ‘Adonai’.” [In brackets = my insertion to clearly illustrate the error. Under this heading was ‘altered Jehovah to Adonai’].
The problems concerning Our Heavenly Father’s Name came after the Babylonian exile. This is when the “YAH” of His Name became disguised by the vowel pointing to ‘YEH’ with no Scriptural foundation. Let us quote a few passages from these appendixes:-
“The Text itself had been fixed before the Massorites were put in charge of it. This had been the work of the Sopherim. Their work, under Ezra and Nehemiah, was to set the Text in order after the return from Babylon, and we read of it in Nehemiah 8: 8.”
This is confirmed when the Old Covenant leader whose name was written יהושע was suddenly changed in Nehemiah 8: 17 to ישוע / עושי Yeshua and so leaving out the Heavenly Father’s יה.
“These are of the utmost importance, as they represent the most ancient result of Textual Criticism on the part of the Sopherim.”
“Out of extreme but mistaken reverence for the Ineffable Name [YHWH], the ancient custodians of the Sacred Text substituted in many places ‘Adonai’.” This was done and admitted to at least 134 times. [I have a list of these if you would like].
To give you the historical and factual account of the hiding of the Heavenly Father’s Name please request the 7 page note titled “The Name above all names”. This will make it clear as to the reason why it became necessary for His Son, the Messiah to declare twice that He would make His Name known. If the Name had not been hidden from the people, His statement would not make any sense. In Yochanan [John] 17: 6 “I have made known Thy Name”, and in verse 26 “And I have declared unto them Thy Name”.
The most glaring vowel point error is the two dots one above the other, the shev [e as in met] between the י and the ה causing the reader to read YEH. In the Christian Life Bible, the New King James Version which is a very comprehensive study Bible endorsed by most main stream denominations, Psalm 68: 4 reads as follows “Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His name YAH.”
Most believers know the beautiful words “HalleluYah” we don’t sing “HalleluYeh.”
Now finally we come to the Hebrew Name written with the two ו’s or better known as W’s which indicates exactly that, two U’s and pronounced –ooo.
Beginning in Exodus through Numbers, Deuteronomy, Yahusha [Joshua], Judges, 1 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Haggai and Zechariah the Old Covenant leaders name is written יהושע / עשוהי 205 times.
However, it is written יהושוע / עושוהי with the two ו’s only twice, in Deuteronomy 3: 21 and Judges 2: 7. In Judges 2 the name appears twice in verse 7. The first time it is written with one ו and seven words further on, with two ו’s.
Are these two cases errors of the scribes? Our Messiah did not speak too positively concerning the scribes, read Matthew 23:13 – 39.
For proof that the Old Covenant leader whose name is יהושע / עשוהי was a shadow of our Messiah, request the 10 page note “The Spiritual significance of the number Four”.
May this work be a blessing to the readers who seeks after Truth.
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