2012.07.12 Let your YES be YES Created by on 9/28/2013 7:15:02 AM There is considerable lack of integrity in the body of believers .
Many cannot be counted on to keep their word, this is covenant breaking and Yah hates it.
Let your Yes be Yes
James Robertson
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There is a fundamental principle that Yahooshua spoke of and that is inherent in the service of Yah, that is keeping to your word, in other words, “let your YES be yes and your NO be no”.
This is inherent in the concept of Covenant.
In its simplest form Covenant Breaking is simply NOT keeping your word.
Breaking your word in a significant way relevant to a covenant is Treachery and constitutes a basis for divorce.
As believers it is vital that we learn to keep our word no matter what happens, this means that if you give your word and then discover there is something that you did not know and that you are going to be adversely affected by keeping your word well, you keep your word ANYWAY!
Keeping our word is a fundamental requirement that Yah has for all those who claim to serve Him.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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