2012.01.07 Monster energy drink and other symbols Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM This article discusses whether there is demonic or Satanic significance associated with the brand mark of the product sold as "Monster Energy Drink"
Monster energy drink and other symbols
James Robertson
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I received the attached document in an email today asking whether what is claimed in the email concerning the symbol below is correct

Fundamentally the symbol does appear to be made up of three instances of the Hebrew letter Vav and this letter has the numeric value 6 so the symbol is indeed 666 in Hebrew

Whether the people who created the product did this deliberately I do not know
If they did they may have done this as some sort of "joke" without any satanic intent
What IS clear to me is that this 666 is NOT the Mark of the Beast referred to in Revelation -- refer article 2011.04.12 The Mark of the Beast at
Having said this, it is important to recognize that we operate in a world in which the REAL battle is taking place in the Spiritual Realm NOT the Physical Realm -- refer article 2011.02.10 We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood at
So there ARE billions of demons in the air around us
It is unlikely that there is any human being who is entirely free of demons and if there are any who are free it is but a handful, so assume that you have demons
Whether we personally have demons or not the world around us is crawling with demons – hundreds of billions of them
and there are also billions of fallen Messengers {Angels} serving Satan
These demons and messengers ARE greatly influenced by symbols that have Satanic significance where assignments have been made to those symbols
To answer the question:
1. Fundamentally the symbol Vav Vav Vav or 666 has no meaning unless assigned by humans
2. Insofar as this product refers to Monster it seems probable that the selection of 666 was NOT entirely innocent and that at least "joking" words about the Beast and Satan have probably been spoken over this mark by the people who created it
In this context it is important to understand that there is NO SUCH THING as a joking word -- ALL words spoken by human beings have authority and that authority may give rise to actions by demons and fallen messengers where the content is appropriate -- accordingly, it is reasonable to assume that at the very least in an unfocussed way this symbol carries some level of demonic contamination and should be avoided – in other words do NOT purchase or consume the product
3. It is so that Satanists, Witches, Wizards and other servants of Satan CAN and DO assign all sorts of curses and other Satanic assignments to symbols and it IS possible but NOT certain that there is an agent of Satan behind the creation of this symbol. In such a case they can assign curses against any servant of Yah who purchases or drinks the product or uses any of its associated products, there may be curses against ALL persons using the products – in other words, keep clear of these products
If you have innocently purchased or consumed this product it is STILL possible for a transfer of demons or curses to take place depending on your personal spiritual parameters at the time of purchasing or consuming the product.
Note that Satanic and Demonic assignment to artefacts is common place, many artefacts that have associations and which have been crafted by people with some level of Satanic intent carry associations – this is why you should be cautious about what you purchase but this is outside the scope of this article.
IF you have purchased, handled or consumed this particular beverage you would be advised to repent, ask Father Yah {The LORD, God} for forgiveness and ask Him to cut off all curses that have come upon you for handling or consuming the product and bind any demons that may have come upon you and command them to go where Yah sends them in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus}
This is NOT a big issue, we should be sanctifying ourselves constantly in any event
There is no certainty as to the level of Satanic assignment to the Monster energy drink logo but to be safe you should avoid purchasing it. If you have purchased it or consumed it you should pray appropriately
This 666 is NOT the Mark of the Beast
The fundamental answer is to draw close to the Almighty and seek His guidance in every area of your life.
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