2012.06.06 I Pray So It Is Done -- NO! Created by James on 9/28/2013 4:39:08 AM Many people believe that if they pray something it is an act of faith to believe and declare that the prayer has been answered and it is done.
Some go so far as to pray something and then declare out loud that it is done!
In virtually all cases where a person is making a serious effort to serve Yah such a declaration is erroneous.
Prayers are ONLY granted to real believers when they are praying in the will of the Almighty (Yah), have the anointing and authority to pray that prayer, are free of sin that will permit the forces of darkness to obstruct or steal the answer to that prayer AND if the person praying is one flesh with any other human being or human beings plural is in harmony with all the people they are one flesh with.
The closer the family unit that is praying the prayer is to the Almighty the more rigorously the forces of darkness will oppose the prayer. The further they are from the true will of Yah in their lives, the greater their error, the more likely the forces of darkness will NOT oppose the prayer or may even intervene in order to cause the fulfilment of the prayer in order to keep the person in bondage.
Even when everything is in place it can take decades for a prayer to be fulfilled, as in the case of the declaration by Samuel of David as King over Israel.
Furthermore, IF the prayer is the will of Yah it is unnecessary to make such a declaration -- the prayer will be answered anyway.
I Pray So It Is Done! -- NO
James Robertson
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A widely held believe amongst Charismatic Christians can be summarized as “I Pray So It Is Done” this is a fundamental error based on Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” KJV
In my experience many pray blessings for themselves and then declare “it is done” and thank “God” or Jesus for granting their prayer.
Firstly it is important to recognize that the book {bible} is FULL of examples where this did NOT happen the most notable being in the case of David becoming King over Israel – Samuel anointed David King when he was in his mid-teens, subsequently David went on to slay Goliath BUT subsequently spent about twenty years fleeing from Saul before Saul eventually died and David became King. There can be no doubt that it was Yah’s will for David to be King and yet there were all sorts of things that had to happen BEFORE David became King.
Thus it is with our own prayers, we may pray something that is the will of Yah in our lives and yet it may take days, weeks, months or years to be fulfilled or it may never be fulfilled if we get in the way.
Secondly it is vital to understand that the above verse ONLY applies IF we are praying Yah’s perfect will in the situation and the prayer that we are praying is inspired by and anointed by His Spirit, praying any old prayer that we feel like praying is NOT going to cut it.
We also need to have the authority to pray that prayer, there is a level of anointing and authority at which point if we pray something that is not necessarily the will of Yah it will still come to pass, consider 2 Kings 2:24 where Elisha curses some insolent young children and they are destroyed by two bears – it is debateable whether that was Yah’s will BUT Elisha was walking under a massive anointing and in great authority at a level that is unknown on earth today.
For the average believer, to pray something and then say “it is done” is utter foolishness and presumption.
Thirdly even IF it IS Yah’s will and even IF you have the anointing and authority, if there is SIN in your life the forces of darkness have the legal right to steal the outcome of your prayer or to hinder (delay, obstruct) the fulfilment of that prayer.
Finally, in the case of a man and woman who are one flesh (have a sexual union) if they are not in harmony and the house is divided their prayers will be hindered and particularly in the area of finances they will find their prayers not being answered at all other than perhaps at the level of nail biting just get by survival. This applies specifically where they are making a concerted effort to serve Yah, if they are not serving Yah the forces of darkness will most likely NOT interfere. Where there are multiple one flesh bonds the problem becomes exponentially greater.
Note that if you are out of the will of Yah, in error and sin, have multiple illicit one flesh bonds or if your house is divided BUT you are not a threat to the kingdom of Satan the forces of darkness will probably allow your prayers to be answered and may even support you to declare “it is done” in order to encourage you in your error.
Furthermore, IF the prayer is the will of Yah it is unnecessary to make such a declaration -- the prayer will be answered anyway.
In most cases it is foolishness and presumption to declare “it is done” relating to what you pray.
Generally, your prayers will ONLY be answered IF they are fully in the will of Yah, if you have the anointing and authority to warrant the prayer, if you are free of sin that would give the forces of darkness the right to obstruct your prayers and if you are in harmony with ALL the people you are one flesh with.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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