2011.04.14 Observing Passover TONIGHT Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM
Suggestions for observing Pesach {Passover}
Observing Passover TONIGHT
James Robertson
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Passover commences at sunset this evening (18 April) and runs for 24 hours. This is also the start of the feast of unleavened bread which lasts for seven days.
The day of Passover (sunset tonight to sunset tomorrow) is a high Sabbath and we are warned that those who do not observe it will be cut off from amongst Yah's people.
On a high Sabbath we are commanded NOT to do any secular or servile work – we should take leave from our employment and not engage in anything to do with our employment. Also no shopping, no chores around the house or garden, etc.
We should devote the day to the service of Yah, praise and worship, ministry, reading inspired writings, contemplating what Yah did for Israel in Egypt and through Yahooshua for us now to deliver us from spiritual Egypt.
Passover is for the remembrance of how Yah brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and delivered them from the oppression of Pharaoh. It is also a remembrance of what Yahooshua did at Passover and how he suffered to make a way for us to be delivered from sin individually and without any other human intervention.
Exodus 11 to 13 describes the specific event, Exodus through to 11 describes the lead up and context to the judgment of Yah on the firstborn of Egypt and subsequent chapters describe the Exodus itself – you might want to read through to Exodus 20 where Yah delivers the Ten Commandments from the Mountain, the only time recorded that I know of where Yah has audibly spoken to millions of people. He then wrote the Commandments IN STONE – so they will NEVER CHANGE.
The tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments were found about thirty years ago by Ron Wyatt in the Ark of the Covenant, under the execution site where Yahooshua died, with the PHYSICAL blood of Yahooshua on the Mercy Seat of the Ark – necessary for a new sacrifice for atonement of sin and for a new Priesthood.
You might also like to read Exodus 34; Leviticus 23; Numbers 9, 28 and 33 and Deuteronomy 16.
The other important passages are Matthew 26 to the end of Matthew, Mark 14 to the end, Luke 22 to the end and John 12 to the end which describe the lead up to Yahooshua {Jesus} sacrificial death.
Consider how Yahooshua lived a life without sin, that is without leaven, consider how, knowing how he would die, he CHOSE to come to earth, chose to go up to Jerusalem, chose to go out to the garden and CHOSE TO SUBMIT to those who unjustly tormented him, tortured him and executed him – and ask yourself whether YOU are willing to be that obedient to Yah.
For some years now I have observed Passover by eating a piece of plain roast lamb for the evening meal together with observing the covenant – the bread and wine and reflecting on what Yah and Yahooshua have done for me and giving thanks accordingly.
I usually spend the day itself as described above.
The rest of the Feast of Unleavened Bread are normal working days. I do not eat unleavened bread but I do take the covenant meal every morning and reflect on sin (leaven speaks of sin) and ask Yah to cleanse me and my house of sin – it is up to each of us to seek Yah as to how He wants us to observe Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Contemplate what Passover means to you, give thanks and rededicate yourself to the service of Yah and chose to seek to be as faithful as Yahooshua was.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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