2011.01.04 About spelling and pronunciation Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM
About spelling and pronunciation
In response to my articles on the names and Yahooshua I received the following email from Gerry Easton geaston@telkomsa.net who has been a valuable source of information to me on a number of fronts over the years.
I am appending his email and my response and attaching his two articles as is for your information and consideration.
I pray that you will find this article of value and will pass it on to others.
Greetings James
.... I hope that the note of mine regarding 2 Thessalonians brings fruit and helps others who are new in this walk to be able to unravel the Christian lie.
Since 1987 we have been calling on our Heavenly Father through His Son our Messiah in the Name Yahushua, as you write to assist people phonetically, Yahooshua. We were also quite relaxed with the Father's Name pronounced phonetically, Yahooeh.
However, approximately 2 years ago a brother who I immersed in Yahushua's Name phoned me one day to say that the Messiah's Name should be Yahusha ending as in the case of Elisha.
My reaction was - not again and every time in our conversation when I used the Name Yahushua, he would correct me. In fact I became frustrated with him and was pleased to end the conversation. However, on returning from my business trip I was concerned about our conversation and in the light of Ezekiel 3 I decided to investigate the matter. Either I was right and him wrong in which case it was then my duty to try and reason with him to correct his error.
Acts 4: 12 states clearly that there is only one Name. My project was to find out Scripturally whether His Name is Yahushua or Yahusha.
In these end times I believe Satan is trying to confuse and bring about division among those who are hearing the call to "come out of her My people" and there is a mixed grill of names on offer :- Yeshua, Yahshua, Yehushua, Yahushua and now Yahusha. Surely only one can be right!
Then again in so called Messianic groups who lean towards Jewish rabbis for guidance we have a similar situation for our Heavenly Father :- Yahweh [ the weh pronounced as in way], Adonai, Hashem. Yehovah, Yahueh, and Yahuah.
I am enclosing my two notes on the above subjects and would welcome your comments. Concerning our Heavenly Father Yah, even the King James Bible has left this correct in Psalms 68: 4.
To new people I witness to this is a starting point and the Yah at the beginning of His Name is not debatable. It is easy to move onto Judah a name they are all familiar with. We eliminate the 400 year old letter "J" and replace it with Yah, giving us Yahudah the name of Leah's son. Remove the letter "D" and we have Yahuah, phonetically Yahooah.
PS I hope your program can read the Hebrew letters. On some systems they reverse the sequence and instead of placing the letters from right to left the put them the other way around.
>>> MY REPLY <<<
Hi Gerry
Regarding your points:
I think there are a number of distinct issues.
Regarding Yahooeh versus Yahweh I am certain the correct translation and transliteration is Yahooeh.
Simple, the way I figure it Satan is hell bent on ensuring maximum error that will cause people to burn in the lake of fire, what better way than first to intervene so that people forget the true name and then introduce the true name as a matter of every day usage so that the maximum number of people use it in secular use thereby taking it in vain and breaking the third commandment “thou shalt not take the Name of Yahooeh [Yah the eternally self-existing] in vain (lightly, irreverently, mockingly, casually)”
Thus we have “Yahoo” as an exclamation of excitement or victory and we have “Yahoo.com” as a web portal and common email address used by believers.
Since we do NOT have “Yahwe” or “Yahwe.com” or similar I conclude that the correct translation and transliteration MUST by Yahooeh, after all, Satan certainly knows the correct pronunciation.
Note that as I see things I do not place a huge amount of emphasis on debating the exact form, I use what I believe to be the most accurate form and I leave it to others to draw their own conclusions, they are accountable to Yah on the Day of Judgment and it is not my job to persuade them of the truth -- I must sow the seed and I leave it to the set apart Spirit of Yah to water and draw their own conclusions.
Yah showed me some years ago, based on Job, that in a debate tell someone once, tell them a second time and then be silent, after this both parties end up sinning -- easily said, NOT easily done...
Regarding the transliteration of “Yahooshua” the most important principle here is that the name was a common name in Hebrew at the time, it was NOT a unique name as this would have attracted attention and ridicule which would have made it very difficult for the person involved to live a life without sin. He did NOT come to attract attention to himself during the first thirty years of his life until he was old enough (thirty) to be about his Father’s business.
So the name was certainly the same as others with the same meaning of which the name translated “Joshua” in a number of locations is the obvious candidate from which we read from commonly available interlinear texts and dictionaries is transliterated “Yehowshua” or similar. Based on understanding that, as you observe the “Yeh” should be “Yah” and based on the above interpretation that the “ow” would be better represented as “oo”we have “Yahooshua”.
Again, very difficult to prove conclusively, I use what I believe Yah has shown me and leave it to each person to seek the truth as best they can.

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