0200 What to do if you come to belief that there REALLY is a Creator Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM If while visiting this site you conclude that there really is a Creator and you have doubted or not believed previously, you might pray as follows >>
What to pray if you come to certainty that there is
a Creator while visiting this site
James Robertson
If while visiting this site you conclude that there really is a Creator and you have doubted or not believed previously, you might pray as follows:
Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I confess that I have doubted your existence / not believed that you existed.
I have now come to a realization that you are indeed real, that you did create this universe, this planet and mankind of which I am one.
I ask you to forgive my unbelief and today declare that you ARE the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth.
I repent of all the wrong things I have said about you and to you and ask you to forgive me.
I repent of all the wrong things I have done … add in anything that comes to mind that you need to repent of … and I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to forgive me.
I believe that Yahooshua died a terrible death to usher in a new covenant of grace whereby I can come directly to your throne and ask for forgiveness.
Father Yah, I ask you for a second chance, a new life, please wash away my sins with the blood of the covenant and take me into your family. I invite you, by your Spirit, to come and dwell in me.
I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me and against my family.
I speak to all demons assigned to me, my family, my house and my belongings and in the name of Yahooshua I cut off your legal right to be here and command you to go where Father Yah sends you.
Finally Father, with trepidation but believing that you are just and merciful and gracious and loving and will deal with me according to that which I am able to handle, I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly every day for the rest of my life.
I pray all of this in the name of Yahooshua.
I love you Daddy Yah.
Also pray all the prayers in the document reference 0205 "Important directional and defensive prayers".
You have seven days of grace in which Father can do great works in your life if you will let Him.
Please read the article reference 2011.03.08 "How do I get to a much closer relationship with Yah?" and put as much of what you read into practice as you can in the next few days, remember, you have SEVEN DAYS OF GRACE from the moment you prayed the prayer above for Yah to move mightily in your life.
During this week read as many articles as you can on this site – ask Daddy Yah to lead you and read whatever else He leads you to and speak to whoever He leads you to speak to BUT be circumspect, there are massive forces of evil out there, do not go and recklessly declare what has happened, use this first seven days to consolidate your decision and position, there will be plenty of time to share after that.

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