2012.06.05 The True Sabbath Created by James on 9/28/2013 4:32:39 AM
The following article was written in response to an email about "Jesus" being the "Sabbath" -- this article summarizes why the Sabbath is STILL the seventh day, that is Saturday, and why we will burn in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone if we do NOT observe it.
Please refer to the website for more information in support of this.
The True Sabbath
James Robertson
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I received an email suggesting that “Jesus is the Sabbath” and that observance of the 7th day (Saturday) Sabbath had been done away with by Yahooshua.
This is incorrect, it is an extension of the mistaken belief’s regarding the deity of Yahooshua and what he actually accomplished – refer to previous articles on the website on this topic.
In simple terms the Commandments given to Moshe {Moses} at Sinai were engraved in stone, they never change, furthermore, as a prophet who was 100% human Yahooshua did NOT have the authority to change the Commandment regarding the Sabbath or any other Commandment.
In considering these concepts it is important to recognize that the fundamental laws or Commandments whereby human beings and spirit beings will be judged on the Day of Judgment were in fact in place at the time of the Creation of Adam and will never change. The Almighty (Yah the Eternally Self Existing) was simply confirming those Commandments through Moshe because they had been forgotten and were no longer being applied. In essence by engraving the Commandments in stone at Sinai Yah was saying, remember these? They have NOT changed and they WILL NOT change!
It is also important to recognize that the stone tablets containing the Commandments were found a few decades ago by Ron Wyatt thereby reinforcing awareness that they will form the basis of judgment.
We will ultimately ALL find ourselves in heaven or burning in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for a time or destroyed for ever on the basis of our observance of ALL Ten of these Commandments.
Accordingly, the question of the Saturday Sabbath is NOT a matter of academic interest it is a matter that WILL impact your eternal destiny.
If you are working on the Saturday Sabbath expect that on the Day of Judgment you WILL be sentenced to burn in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the second death either for a season before entering heaven or until you are utterly consumed and destroyed if your other sins warrant it.
It is vital to understand that the Ten Commandments are cast in stone and will NEVER change and will form the basis of the Judgment.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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