2011.09.03 Arguments against the true names Yah and Yahooshua Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Many people resist using the true names Yah and Yahooshua
Arguments against the true names Yah and Yahooshua
James Robertson
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As early as 1996 Yah had given me a deep revelation of the reality that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Hebrew so in 2001 when I first became aware of the name Yahweh it was not that difficult for me to accept that "The LORD" and "God" were pagan names and thereafter to come to understand that "Jesus" was also a pagan name and that the name of the prophet who walked the land of Israel about two thousand years ago had to be a Hebrew name.
It took a bit longer until I was clear that his name had to have been "Yahooshua", meaning "Yah is salvation" and that other variants were less accurate.
Subsequently I came to understand that the essential name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the earth was "Yah" and that "Yahweh" or, more accurately, "Yahooeh", meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing" was a designation or description that amplified the essential name of Yah.
I also came to understand that the supposedly error free texts in the bible had been tampered with in order to hide the name "Yah" supposedly by scribes seeking to keep the commandment not to take the name of "Yah the eternally self-existing" in vain.
In all of this my investigation was triggered by documents I received, primarily by email with articles and links to websites but the final conclusions at each step of the journey relied on direct confirmation from Father Yah Himself.
It is thus so that for about the last ten years I have tried to be diligent in the use of the true names, "Yah" for the Almighty Creator and "Yahooshua" for the prophet commonly known as Jesus.
In the past week I have received two fairly lengthy articles arguing variously against these names and arguing that "Jesus" is actually an inspired name and entirely acceptable to "God".
In both cases, as I started to read the articles I felt Yah's grief and indignation welling up in me and I could not continue reading. Subsequently in both cases He confirmed that he was deeply hurt by these writings and did not want me to read them further.
Accordingly, I feel it necessary to restate:
"The LORD" is an accurate translation of "Baal" – it is a blasphemous pagan name.
"God" is a blasphemous pagan name.
"Jesus" is a blasphemous pagan name derived from Zeus.
The true name of the Creator is "Yah"
This name is frequently amplified as "Yahooeh" or "Yahweh" meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing".
The true name of the prophet who lived two thousand years ago in Israel and who died on the stake {cross} in order to usher in a new covenant of greater grace was "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah is salvation".
It is an INSULT and grievously hurtful to Yah and Yahooshua to use the names in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above and it is an act of love toward them to use Yah and Yahooshua.
I DO understand that changing to these names IS a challenge when one has been using the other names for years BUT, as Yah put it to me many years ago "James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy" – I got the message and stopped using the pagan names.
To put it another way, IF you love Yah call Him by His correct name and IF you love Yahooshua, call him by his correct name – else do NOT claim you love either of them!
No amount of intellectual rationalization or explanation or obfuscation or whatever can justify not using the true names.
Arguing on the basis of records at the time of the Exodus that the name Yah was in use in other religions is far off the mark, every human being on the planet at that time was descended from Noah and Noah knew the name Yah intimately so ALL of Noah's descendants ALSO knew the name of Yah!
If you love Yah and Yahooshua use their true names and do not play semantic word games to try and prove that the modern pagan names are in any way pleasing to them.
If you doubt at all get on your knees until you hear Yah clearly, I guarantee you that He will tell you the pagan names hurt Him and Yahooshua grievously and that they regard it as an act of love that we use the true names.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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