2011.09.11 Single anointed women – the challenge Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM This article outlines information that is absolutely critical for any single woman who is close to Yah or seeking to draw closer to Yah.
Single anointed women – the challenge
James Robertson
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It will be apparent from the previous article that it is difficult to draw really close to Yah.
Some months ago I reported that Yah had stated that on earth today there were only about 5,000 anointed believers who were in any way at all making a difference on earth and that of these 5,000 only a very small number were making a real impact.
In the months since then I have had contact with a number of people who Yah has indicated are part of the 5,000 and it is alarming to realize how little most of us are doing for Yah in this age, myself included.
I find it distressing that I am doing so little and yet Yah says I am closer to Him than most, primarily because I am making a serious effort to walk in the revelation that I have with regard to the Ten Commandments and the true names, the Sabbaths, etc. From this I infer that similar comments apply to most of this group.
Many of the 5,000 are not even getting those basics right – the names, Sabbaths, etc.
At this stage, overall, it is apparent that the forces of darkness are winning hands-down – even most of those who have been or are anointed and even most of those who are performing sign's and wonders are NOT part of the 5,000 because of critical errors in their knowledge {doctrine} around things like the names, etc with the result that while they think they are serving Yah as "God" they are actually serving Satan as mighty one (god).
Perhaps the most challenging statistic that I have been given is as follows:
Of the 5,000, 7 out of 8 are women.
Of the men, only two are single but have no intention of marrying and the rest (623) are in covenant {marriage} relationships. Most of these men are in covenant with women who are NOT part of the 5,000 and many are being dragged down by this unequal yoking.
Of the women, half (2,187) are in covenant union {marriage} and the other half are single. Most of those in covenant union are joined to men who are NOT part of the 5,000 and many are being dragged down by this unequal yoking. Most of those men will NEVER form part of the 5,000.
Of the single women about half (1,094) have an aspiration of being in a life-time covenant union with a man and the other half have given up and dedicated their lives to serving Yah only.
By virtue of the statistics above, those women who are seeking a man will either give up or join themselves to a man who is almost certain to be unsuitable and who will draw them away from Yah – there are not many single men in the ranks of those who are just outside the 5,000 cutline either.
The challenge then, if you are one of the single women in the roughly 1,100 listed above who are seeking a man, and there are quite a few single women on this list, is what to do.
The obvious solution is provided in Isaiah 4:1 which states that in the last days seven women will cling to one man BUT, from harsh experience I have to tell you that the women of this age cannot share their man, no matter how anointed they are, no matter how certain they are that sharing is Yah's will they just cannot do it as a consequence of early childhood programming which makes a woman whose man goes to another woman a REALLY BAD person. The deep seated toxic psychological responses are intense!
The best advice I can give if you are one of these women is to let go of your desire for a man, dedicate yourself totally to Yah and ask Yah to take away your sexual desire. Instead, form a close friendship with one or more women who are also close to Yah and satisfy your need for companionship this way.
There is a major gender imbalance in the body of true believers today – there are FAR MORE women than men in this group characterized most dramatically by those who make up the 5,000 anointed believers who are having some impact on the forces of darkness.
Single women are advised to remain single and not seek a man and to ask Yah to remove their sexual desire.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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