2012.07.08 The Peace of Satan Created by James on 9/28/2013 6:47:09 AM Many believers rely on "peace" to guide them.
Yah requires us to exercise our intellect to discern and do His will NOT to sit around waiting for a feeling .
Furthermore, our demons can stop acting in order to give a false peace that can lead us to do the wrong things and can also cause a loss of peace when we are seeking to do the right things in order to get us to stop -- doing Yah's will can be unsettling and disconcerting.
The "peace of Yah that passes all understanding" is a state of being when we are walking by faith and things are happening that should unsettle us but do not because we know that we know that we know that Yah is with us.
The Peace of Satan
James Robertson
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Many believers rely heavily on “the peace of Yah that passes all understanding” to lead them not understanding that there is ALSO a peace of Satan.
The peace of Satan is the peace one experiences when one is NOT doing anything to upset one’s demons.
Frequently when one is set on doing Yah’s will there will be unease, discomfort and sometimes major negative reaction.
This does NOT necessarily mean that one is in error or NOT doing Yah’s will it can mean that one’s demons are stirring things up to PREVENT you from doing Yah’s will.
I have reached the conclusion that, in terms of guidance in seeking to do Yah’s will, it is far more reliable to pray directional prayers such as “Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask you to guide me, I ask you to open the doors that you want opened and close the doors that you want closed, bring the people you want into my life and take the people you do not want in my life out, guide me in every possible way, help me to know your will and to do it … etc”
The last prayer above – help me to know your will and to do it – is particularly important – we are called to REIGN, to exercise dominion and authority over the earth, we are not glove puppets and we are NOT called to sit and do nothing waiting for Yah to guide us.
We are called to move forward seeking to know Yah’s will and to DO it.
This speaks again to the issue of discipline versus deliverance – stop looking for Yah to do it and get on and do it yourself!
YOU will be judged according to what YOU DID in accordance with what Yah told you to do – sitting on your butt doing nothing and waiting for peace is NOT the way Yah intends it to be – you should be out there resisting the forces of darkness and DOING what Yah has commanded you to do – frequently that is NOT peaceful.
In order to do this YOU need to hear His voice, YOU need to seek His guidance and YOU need to exercise your WILL and self-discipline to do things He has called you to do!
The peace of Yah relates to when you do something that is really dangerous by faith or when you are living by faith and there is no money in the bank and yet you still have a supernatural peace you cannot explain – the peace of Yah is a state of being NOT the steering wheel of a motor car.
The peace of Yah is a state of being when one is living by faith, it is NOT a means of abdicating one’s intellect in favour of a feeling.
Demons can also give peace by ceasing to act when they want you to do things that are against Yah’s will. Pray direction seeking prayers and actively exercise your will and self-discipline to discern and DO Yah’s will.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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