2011.03.09 How do I recognize an anointed one? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM In the light of preceding articles, the question arises "how do i recognize an anointed one?"
How do I recognize an anointed one?
James Robertson
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I am currently seeking actively to meet a woman who will be a suitable life partner.
I have come to recognize that it is absolutely vital that I find a woman who is strongly anointed by Yah and who can relate to and understand my ministry and finds it valuable.
This has raised the question – when I meet someone how do I establish whether they are an anointed one or not at an early stage?
Following are some thoughts, I would welcome your comments.
1. They have a personal relationship with Yah
They talk about Yah in the context of their relationship with Him and they talk comfortably about that relationship.
2. Supernatural experiences
Most have had diverse supernatural experiences with Yah and are comfortable with such experiences and yet still excited by them.
3. They walk by faith at a significant level
They walk by faith and routinely do things that do not make sense to people who do not have experience of these things.
4. Most have made great sacrifices
Most have willingly made significant sacrifices in serving Yah, they may have lost money, businesses, family, been abused physically or mentally in some form. They see these things as a necessary part of their growth and may even see them as being, in a sense, blessings.
5. Immersed, speak in tongues and appreciate the covenant
Most have been immersed, many more than once, they are likely to speak in tongues and they probably have an appreciation for the covenant through Yahooshua.
It is possible for someone to have a deep relationship with Yah and NOT know of the covenant of Yahooshua.
I have met anointed Jews and Muslims who have deep relationships with Yah.
6. Set themselves apart {sanctified}
They have separated themselves from the world and things of the world at a material level.
They still live in the world and engage with the world but at a material level they separate themselves from the world.
7. Sometimes visibly different
In some cases they may be visibly different; there is something about them that distinguishes them from the people around them.
You might like to ask yourself whether a person meeting you would be able to discern some or all of the above about you.
And, if the answer is "no" or "not sure" you might like to go back to the previous article and review what steps you might want to take to change the situation.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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