Yah speaks on South Africa
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Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nahum and others refer to “the burden of Yah the eternally self-existing” with regard to prophetic visions of coming destruction – difficult messages which the prophet was required to give in the hope of turning a people from destruction.
In recent weeks I have developed such a burden for my home country, South Africa. The sections that follow outline the picture I have seen and the words that Yah has spoken to me:
Grieved by the words of racist songs against people of European descent
About three years ago I became aware that songs such as “bring me my machine gun” and “kill the white farmer (boer)” were still being sung by people of African descent despite the peaceful change in regime that had taken place.
With the deep understanding of the spiritual significance of words that I have gained over the years, particularly through my service of Yah, I understand that those words result in deep psychological imprinting in young minds and create spiritual force that has to be released by the execution of the words that have been spoken. No one with the authority to cancel those words has spoken out to cancel those words and thus they resonate constantly in the spirit realm awaiting release and manifestation. Murder of white farmers continues.
Secular evidence that the South African economy is facing structural collapse
Also about three years ago I started to become increasingly aware that at a technical economic and engineering level there were increasing indications of possible structural collapse of the South African economy in a way that would be very difficult to reverse.
In the past year the rate of occurrence of these indicators has increased dramatically to a point where I now see indications of impending economic failure on an almost daily basis.
Troubled by silence in response to statements by Julius Malema -- the Hitler parallels
During 2011 I became increasingly troubled by the utterances of Julius Malema calling for actions that were unsustainable and which, if actioned, would cause economic collapse. Again these utterances were met with silence but it is certain that they have raised expectations amongst the unemployed and labouring classes, who represent in excess of 50% of the South African population. These expectations cannot be met at a structural economic level without significant changes in policy and actions which are directly at odds with what is being called for.
Towards the end of the year, having studied the history of the Second World War in some detail many years ago, I realized that many of the circumstances that gave rise to Adolf Hitler coming to power were in operation in South Africa.
Then, a few weeks ago, Yah said to me “Julius Malema will be President of South Africa before the end of 2021” (less than ten years time).
A derelict and desolate Mall and other visions of coming destruction
Also a few weeks ago we were sitting eating a meal in an upmarket Mall in Rosebank, Johannesburg.
I looked up and in the Spirit I saw the Mall was deserted and derelict, broken glass, broken furniture and corpses were everywhere, the Mall had been comprehensively vandalized and destroyed.
In the weeks that have followed I have repeatedly had similar visions. Other places destroyed, people with their heads hacked off, women with their guts ripped open, overturned and burnt out cars. Yah told me to hold my peace and wait until He gave me permission to record what I was being shown.
Troubled by parallels with the French and Russian Revolutions and rise of the Third Reich
Concurrently with this my attention was drawn to the French and Russian revolutions, the rise of the Third Reich and the Cambodian uprising where high levels of unemployment and massive disparities in the distribution of wealth and privilege eventually fuelled popular uprisings of the unemployed and labouring classes and, in some cases, even the artisan classes.
All of these uprisings were associated with wholesale slaughter and brutality which destroyed many and in some cases nearly all the elite minority.
A few days ago Yah said to me “before the end of 2031 there will be a revolution in South Africa that will combine the worst of the French and Russian Revolutions, the Third Reich and the Cambodian Revolution”.
The evils of Apartheid revisited together with the role of Yah’s servants in its downfall
In the last few days Yah has lead me to revisit the evils of Apartheid and reminded me how His servants were at the forefront of opposing Apartheid and praying for its demise in a peaceful manner which prayers were granted in 1994.
He also reminded me how perversions of Yah’s truths, perversions of the bible, and false religious teachings were used to justify Apartheid including teachings which held that indigenous African people were NOT descended from Adam and Noah.
He reminded me that He had rejected the South African government notwithstanding the covenant of European South Africans with Yah because they had broken that Covenant and had violated justice and brought the name of the Creator into disrepute.
Yah said to me “I brought an end to Apartheid because of the cries of my people and the injustices performed in my Name”.
The President of South Africa sacrifices an animal to the ancestors
Then, two nights ago Yah showed me that the African National Congress would offer sacrifices to the ancestors as part of their 100 year anniversary festivities. Last night I heard the President four times reported as acknowledging the ancestors and not once acknowledging even God or the LORD or Jesus even though he had previously declared that the ANC would rule “till Jesus comes”.
Then, this morning it was confirmed that animals had been offered by the President to the ancestors and that the spirits of the ancestors had been invoked and Yah said to me “son of man, do you see how this people have rejected me? I also now reject them”.
Yah declares utter destruction
Yah states that by 31 December 2031 there will have been a massive revolution in South Africa by the unemployed and the workers.
The ruling elite, academics, professionals and others in positions of privilege will have been slaughtered. Virtually all people of African origin outside the borders of South Africa and virtually all those of Asian descent and those of mixed race will be dead. Many of the indigenous people groups in South Africa itself will have been largely eliminated.
75% of those who call themselves “white” at the start of the revolution will have been massacred and the remainder will defend themselves in the South West Cape.
The economy will be in ruins and the people will return to the ways of their ancestors. The Zulu people will dominate.
Yah is calling the people of South Africa to repent and turn to Him before they are destroyed
When I asked Yah what could be done to prevent this He said to me “let the leaders and the people humble themselves and repent of their evil, of their ancestor worship, of their dishonesty and exploitation and return to serving me that I may relent before this judgment is fulfilled”.
South Africa is on the brink of destruction and must return to serving Yah wholeheartedly and without compromise. All forms of pagan worship must be put away.
Please pray earnestly for this country.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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