2011.07.05 Some important worship songs Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM So much praise and worship is fundamentally doctrinally flawed or does not give honour to Yah
Some important worship songs
James Robertson
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I have become increasingly aware that the worship songs one sings and listens to can have a profound effect on one's walk with Father
I have a small selection of songs, mostly from a CD called Vineyard Psalms 1 and a few from a Benny Hinn CD from about 15 years ago and a few from I think a Hillsong CD of about ten years ago all of which are on one composite CD which is almost all i listen to and worship with we have added a few more in recent weeks that seem particularly important
I have a large selection of CD's but i keep coming back to these
They include "Soften my heart Yah {Lord}" and others which speak to things that i hold to be vitally important
It seems to me that by singing along with these really important words one gets closer to Father while most music does not do this
Following is a list of the songs, the names have been changed to reflect the correct names of Father although the songs themselves still have the traditional names -- i substitute with the correct words as i sing
Draw me close to you
For the Lord Yah is Holy
Holy Holy Holy Yahweh Almighty
Holy is Yah on High
Holy Spirit You are Welcome in this Place
Holy Spirit Come and Fill me up
I am Yah that Healeth Thee
Let Me Live in the Glory of Your Grace
Purify my Heart
Release Your Power
Soften my Heart Yah
There is No One like You
This is the air I breathe
Unending Love
My Help comes from you
Yah Almighty I Adore thee
Yah can
Yahweh Jireh
You are my hiding place
You have turned my mourning into dancing
If you would like a copy of this CD please send me your postal address.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
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