2012.01.03 Clarification re THE WORD Created by on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM Clarification of the recent article on "The WORD is semantic nonsense"
Clarification re THE WORD
James Robertson
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Further to my recent article on "The WORD is semantic nonsense" I received a request for clarification, so, here goes
1. The phrase "THE WORD" is incorrect English in the sense that it is used and to which I am referring
2. Many people refer to Jesus as "THE WORD" based on the passage which says that "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" -- inherently this interpretation is the consequence of a translation error filtered through pagan thinking -- the meaning of the passage is that the commandments of Yah gave rise to a created being, Yahooshua, who dwelt among the people of his day
3. Many people refer to the bible as "THE WORD" and again ascribe some mystical meaning to the phrase, the bible is simply a collection of writings by human beings
4. Any other language which refers to "THE WORD" is incorrect English and should be avoided, rather use accurate language than some form of meaningless phrase
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
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