2011.10.02 What if you disagree with me? Created by host on 6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM It is probable that you will find much on this website that you disagree with me on, what should you do about it? -- Remember that ONLY Yah's opinion matters
What if you disagree with me?
James Robertson
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As I noted in my previous posting today, I received a very detailed rebuttal of what I had written about the bible.
Towards the end the language became very harsh and words like "evil" and "cult" were used.
This rebuttal touches on a number of points but is primarily a passionate declaration of the inerrancy and full inspiration of the bible and the seriousness of such an evil claim as I was making.
I receive such emails from time to time in response to articles that I have written or things posted on the websites and so it seems appropriate to share with you my response to this person and the approach that Yah has shown me is to be used in cases of dispute.
1. Only two exchanges
One of the lessons Yah taught me years ago was when he told me to forget everything I have ever believed about the book of Job, read the book as quickly as possible and not ask any questions till I was finished.
When I got to the end one of the things that Yah showed me was that in each of the exchanges between Job and his friends, in the first and second statements on each side the parties were reasonably in line and constructive.
But thereafter the exchange of views became increasingly heated and acrimonious and both parties started increasingly to say things they should not have said and slipped into error.
Accordingly, one of the disciplines I try and apply is to limit myself to not more than two exchanges with anyone who disagrees with me and, thereafter, to leave it to them and Yah to sort out.
Yah has also given me some other principles to apply including some prayers and the programme of fasting that I went on at the end of last year. These are discussed below.
2. Some critical prayers
Following are some prayers that I consider to be critical if one is truly seeking truth – to be prayed daily in the name of Yahooshua:
“Father Yah I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” – read the article on "judgement in this life" and expect things to happen, look at what happens, pray about it and course correct.
“Father Yah I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” – be open to writings from others that inform or contradict your current beliefs, be open to just about everything you believe being error.
"Father Yah I ask you to speak to me through books, tapes, CD's, DVD's, radio, TV, emails, websites, people I meet in the street, in any other way that I am able to hear you.
“Father Yah I ask you to take the people you do not want in my life out and bring the people you do want in”
"Father Yah I ask you to open the doors in my life that you want opened and close the doors you want closed”
“Father Yah I ask you to help me to draw close to you and hear your voice clearly”
“Father Yah I ask you to help me to overcome to the end that I may hear those words ‘well done thou good and faithful servant’ on the Day of Judgment”
Take the bread and wine daily and pray “Father please let me walk in the fullness of all this represents to you and give me a deep revelation of what it means”
3. Go on seven three day fasts
Go on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days – Thursday night through Sunday night work well for me, take the bread and wine every morning and evening and pray all the above prayers and ask Yah to sort out all issues in your life that He wants sorted out.
I suggest that apart from the bread and wine every morning – in moderate qualities – i.e. a reasonable size piece of Jewish Matzos and a glass of grape juice this should be your only food intake for the three days
You should also drink water.
If you are on medication that requires you to have food in your stomach then take the medication immediately after the bread and wine and ensure that you take sufficient bread to line your stomach.
You might like to make the first and last fasts total fasts or Esther fasts – no food or water at all or a small portion of bread and wine every morning. Again take prescription medication after the bread and wine.
Do NOT make all seven fasts total fasts, you will probably damage your kidneys, during the intervening fasts drink plenty of water. If your kidneys are taking strain (pain in your lower back) during the total fasts you may want to take some water unless you are fully certain that Yah wants you to embark on a total fast without water.
It is my intention to go on such a series of seven three day fasts commencing at sunset next Thursday, 10 November and ending at sunset on Christmas day, 25th December 2011 seeking greater revelation and in order to draw closer to Yah.
Please consider joining me on this series of fasts and particularly consider fasting leading up to Christmas.
4. Seek guidance
Some other things you might do if you are really serious about seeking truth:"
Spend at least an hour on your knees seeking to hear Yah every day
Do all that Yah tells you to do to clean up your life
If you have not been for deliverance with an anointed prophet, find one and go for at least three sessions of deliverance in the name of Yah and Yahooshua
5. Let us talk again in six months
As I said to the person who challenged me "if in six months’ time, having done all the above, you still disagree with me I will engage with you further".
I am not being difficult when I say this, this is how I came to the knowledge that I am sharing with you, it is the way I know to get closer to Yah and hear His voice and, at the end of the day, THAT is all that matters.
The issue is relationship with Yah, NOT what I say or another man says, what Yah says.
If you are truly seeking truth I challenge you to put the above into practice and make it your normal practice.
It is ONLY by drawing closer to Yah that we can grow in truth.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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